Chapter 6

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"And your day with Jake went great?" Josh asks for the hundredth time that night. I had only went out together with Jake to the beach for the very first time today and Josh had already been asking me all types of questions from if he did anything inappropriate or did I have any fun at all.

"To be honest, Josh, I didn't enjoy it but I did enjoy Jake's company" I poked my fork into my plate of carbonara, watching Corey type something into his phone. He had been on his phone for the past thirty minutes for some reason and it was starting to bother me.

"What did Jake say about Corey letting you go?" Josh asks again, watching me with his signature 'smile' on. There was always something off about Josh but I didn't want to question him about it.

"Yeah, what did Jacob Grey say about me letting you go hang out together with him?" Corey added in, his eyes still glued to the screen of his phone but he was probably listening to what me and Josh are talking about.

I shove a mouthful of carbonara spaghetti into my mouth and chewed on it thoughtfully. Corey had let loose a little about me being friends together with Jake but he still wasn't high on the whole friendship thing together with him but I made it perfectly clear to Corey that me and Jake are just going to remain as friends and nothing else. I would even strike the lottery if this friendship together with Jake can really work out.

Corey, after our little fight, he stopped with the protective brother thing already but he didn't fail to warn me about being too close together with Jake. The both of them probably had a bad past together because Corey wouldn't stop talking bad about Jake but Jake, has never said one thing about Corey at all.

"I did ask Jake about the whole trashing his brothel up thing and he said that you had probably gotten the wrong brothel because his wasn't trash at all" It was the only thing that I had remembered out of our whole conversation. I wouldn't blame me because it was already written in bold letters that I have a bad memory.

Corey looked up from his phone and then at Josh and then back at me. He didn't even need to say anything because I know that he was lying. There was one thing about Corey. He couldn't lie no matter how much he wants too. He wasn't a great liar and I knew that since I was young. "Who knows..." He trailed off after that, not knowing what to actually say "We might've gotten the wrong one"

I nodded my head, not wanting to question him more about something that he clearly doesn't want to tell me. "Let's talk about you, Corey. What are you doing on your phone? You've been on it for the past forty minutes now and it's really starting to get annoying" I placed my fork down on my plate, looking straight at Corey now.

Josh glanced at Corey, sensing that Corey wasn't going to say anything, he started talking in gibberish voices, trying to direct the question to him and away from Corey "There isn't anything that my wife said but she did make it clear to me that I have to get back home before eleven every night because the other hour, she wants to make me cookies" 

I smiled at Josh, not really understanding what he was talking about but it was better than an awkward silence that could've settled over the table if Corey refuse to answer my question. I know that he has a lot of his own private little things that he always keeps from me but since I'm growing more and more into his gang, I have a right to know about what was happening in his life that he was hiding from me half the time.

We sat in complete silence for a minute before I decided to excuse myself from the dining table and just go back into my room to have a good sleep. I had had enough of being in Corey's presence and his phone's presence for the night and seeing that Josh isn't able to make Corey say something, it was better that I just go back into my room and sulk over everything.

I was admitting to myself that I'm this needy and insecure little bitch but in a good way, I'm this girl who wants to know everything that is happening in my brother's life and take away some of his burdens.


"You could put this here and move this one here to checkmate your opponent but then you can also move your queen here to only check your opponent but of course you'll want to end the game quickly so you move your castle here and your queen here and pray that your opponent wouldn't move their bishop so you can checkmate them with your queen on the next move" Corey was taking his time to slowly explain how to play chess to me but I was drowning out his voice with my earphones, not really wanting to listen to how chess works.

"Are you listening to me or is your earphones placed too deep into your ears?" Corey snapped for the second time since we started this tutorial game an hour ago. He was trying to get my attention with chess but I wasn't interested in it. I have no particular interest in anything at all but books and since the library was closed today, I was stuck at home with nothing to do at all but listen to Corey explain about chess.

I shook my head "I'm not interested in chess, Corey. Don't you have any other games that won't be this boring?" I took my earphones out from my ears, bunching them up together in my hands.

Corey scoffed, shaking his head "I knew this would happen but I still went ahead and wasted my time trying to teach you to play anyways. Thank you not" He got up from his seat and went over to the kitchen to fix himself a cup of water.

I stood up and followed him over to the kitchen, shaking my head at him "How could you be a teacher if you have such little patience?" 

Corey gulped the water down in his cup, rolling his eyes at me "How could I teach with patience if my student doesn't even want to listen to what I have to say?" He filled another cup of water from the tap

I touched his hand, smiling "Well, you've been a great teacher, Corey. Thank" I walked away from him, going back over to where the chess set is and clearing everything off the board

Corey joined me a few minutes later, his cup still in his hand as he took little sips out of it, "What are you doing holding onto your phone anyways? For all I know, you always said that a phone is stupid. A phone only weighs you down. A phone stops you from being in reality" 

I haven't gotten around to telling Corey that I had been talking together with Jake on the phone since going to the beach together with him. If Corey knew though, he would flip and that probably isn't a good thing because I wasn't looking forward to seeing him flip his balls over me talking to a friend.

Corey wasn't high on me and Jake being friends and I wasn't high either on why he was so against it. Jake was a good person for all I know but Corey had labelled him as the bad guy and Jake probably will stay one forever in Corey's eyes.

"Well, I'm a teenager and it's not such a surprising thing that I value my phone more than anything in this world" I packed up the chess set, setting everything back inside of its box and shoving the box back underneath the couch, never wanting to lay eyes on it again.

Corey, however, knew me better than anyone else in this world because instead of leaving it as it is, he handed his now empty cup over to me and took my phone from me, holding it but not checking it...yet "Have you been talking to Jacob Grey?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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