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It was Sunday in the afternoon and Chloe decided to give the Bellas a break from rehearsal and let them do whatever they please

Except for Stacie going at any parties, sadly

Chloe went shopping with Flo and Stacie, Beca went to her secret internship, Lilly went to Satan knows where, Cynthia and Ashley playing video games in the living room and Emily in her and Flo's shared room, writing songs

"ASHLEYYY!!!!" they heared a scream upstairs and a pair of hurried footsteps

"What was that?" Emily emerged, panicked "did something happen? Who's screaming?!"

Cynthia lets out a chuckle while Ashley groaned loudly "it's nothing, Emily" Ashley stood up, stomping her way upstairs towards her room. She opened the door, revealing a blonde-haired girl sitting on the bed, cuddling a teddy bear "what?" She asked, sighing

"Do you love me?" She asked, frowning

Ashley looked at her like she told a joke she didn't get. They stared at each other in complete silence until the brunette sighed, this time, loudly "yes, i do..." she answered, placing a hand on her hip "so you just screamed my name for the whole neighborhood to hear, to fucking ask me if i love you?"

"You don't sound like you do" she frowned even more, brows furrowed "do you really love me?"

'I was never this moody when i'm on my days, Jesus...' Ashley had thought to herself as she walked towards their bed, pulling the blondie close to her "Jess, i do love you. You know what, i'll buy you an ice cream" Ashley but Jessica only shook her head "why not? I can text Chloe and we can hang out with them at the mall"

"I don't want those, i just wanna...cuddle...with you..." she said quietly, digging her face onto the teddy bear's head

Ashley chuckled "you already seem to have a cuddle buddy, do you even need me?" She joked, pointing at the stuffed toy Jessica was hugging tightly. The blondie looked at it, then throwing it a few seconds later out of the door, since Ashley had left the door open. Ashley chuckled again "you're cute, you know that?"

"No" Jessica simply said, wrapping her arms around Ashley's waist "i love you..." Jessica mumbled, placing her head on the brunette's chest

Ashley smiled, caressing Jessica's head. They sat there on the bed, in a comfortable silence

"I'd love to buy an ice cream later though"

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