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Based on Drunk_Breadstick's bechloe story "My Little Badass"


This is just an alternative version of one of its chapter, y'all should read it, it's cute :)



"Fly! Fly!" The small toddler infront of them enthusiastically said, waving both of her arms. Jessica giggled while Ashley only sighed

Jessica carried the small brunette and poked her cheek, making the toddler giggle "man, baby Beca is way more enthusiastic than adult Beca will ever be" Jessica said, glancing at the toddler who was reaching for her wings

The small vampire smiled widely "Fly! Fly!" Jessica's face scrunched up as little Beca's chants were loud

"I know Beca is adorable and all but are we the only ones taking care of her?" Ashley asked

"Because Chloe's got a test till 6:00 pm so we have to take care of her" Jessica replied

"What about the others? Amy? CR? Flo? Lilly?"

"Chloe just finds me trustworthy" Jessica smugly smiled at her girlfriend

"Who told you that?"

"You did"

Since Chloe had to take a test for her class, she left her girlfriend (that she accidentally turned into a toddler. *sighs* gingers) to the other Bellas. Although since Aubrey didn't liked Beca alot(especially because Beca calls her "doggy"), she put Emily and Stacie in charge of her older but now smaller sister

If that even made sense

But, Emily had left because her wizard boyfriend, Benji, had some troubles and now she has to help him. Aubrey kept Stacie "distracted" so that she wouldn't get to see the toddler

And Amy's not good with kids at all

Same for the others

"You wanna fly little Mitchell?" Jessica asked the toddler who again smiled widely

"Yes! 'Essica fly!" The kid said happily, hugging Jessica's neck. Jessica laughed, walking outside the Bellas' house. She then turned to Ashley

"You coming? We'll be by the roof" She asked the harpy with a smile

Ashley's lips slowly formed a small smile "i'll be there"

"Okay kiddo, hold on" Jessica told little Beca, in which, Beca did. Jessica's wings fluttered as she no longer felt the ground, and so, she flew and landed on the Bellas' household rooftop

Beca looked at her surroundings, mesmerised. She grabbed Jessica's wrist "Look! 'Essica, ducky!" Beca pointed in the distance where a mama duck and her little babies following her was on the lake

Jessica released a giggle, little Beca was too adorable that don't even want Chloe to get the antidote that'll make Beca back to her normal self again

Seconds later, Ashley appears in sight holding a pikachu stuffed toy that Beca loved so much and landed next to Jessica. Beca turned to her with her big smile "'Lee! Ducky!" She said to Ashley, still pointing at the same ducks

"I remember how much adult Beca likes ducks so much" Ashley smiled, handing the stuffed toy to the toddler who immadietly grabbed it

"At least she's a softie for that" Jessica giggled at what the small brunette was doing, she was biting the hand of her stuffed toy Pikachu

Beca sat between Jessica and Ashley. The two girls staring at the view infront of them

After a long silence, Beca talked " 'Essica?" She called the blonde's name

Jessica turned her attention to the toddler "yes?"

"Mama and Emmy come home?" The small vampire asked, frowning "i miss Mama and Emmy..."

Both girls looked at each other before Jessica looked back at Beca in awe "don't worry, they'll be home soon. For now, we'll take care of you"

Beca didn't answer, few seconds later, she hugged the blonde "i love you 'Essica..." she did the same to Ashley "i love you 'Lee..."

Jessica and Ashley smiled, hugging the small toddler "we love you too.." Ashley said, patting Beca's head

Jessica sighed "Chloe's coming home soon with the antidote. I'll miss little Beca"

" too" Ashley quietly replied. They sat there again, in silence

"Hey mom and mom #2, bring down my older sister please" a familiar voice jokingly said, they looked down to Emily smiling at them

When Beca heared her, she smiled widely "Emmy!" She let go of her stuffed toy. The two panicked as Beca ran and jumped off the roof

"Beca oh my god!"

But Emily had managed to catch her sister, she sighed heavily in relief "oh god, you're such a trouble even when you're a kid..." Emoly said, kissing Beca's cheek "did you had fun?" Beca nodded happily. Emily turned to Jessica and Ashley "thank you so much for taking care of Beca"

Jessica and Ashley giggled "we should get down"

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