The german Shepard

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My sister Esmerelda and I where back in Texas for our Friend Vicky's eighteenth we brought our german shepard Dexter with us. I sat down a bowl of nachos infront of me when a ravend hair bloke came in he was waearing a red trainning jacket amd a solid black t-shirt. He came over and took one of my nachos from me I squirted my bottle of water at him. "Thank you" he said wipping the water of his face. "Youe're welcome" I laughed. "By the way do you know who owns the german Shepard outside" he said suddenly. "Thats Dexter our german shepard my dad bought him back from the military" I said. "Is that your way of saying dont mess with us" he said. We both burst out laughing. He stole another chip again I gave waterd him. "How refreshing" he said making me laugh I saw him going bright red as I laughed. "Iris come on where going home" said dad. "My dad wants me see you later" I said getting out of my seat. The next day Keith walked in on me doing one handed press-ups. "Keith what are you doing here" I asked Dexter growling at him? "I came for you actually" he said blushing madly "where do you want to go" he asked me who had got of of the floor. "Mabey we could go out to a heather feild" I said already attaching Dexters leash to his collar. "Dad,Mom Iris is going out with that boy we meet yesterday" yelled Esmerelda. "And want makes you think you're qualifed to go out with my daughter" said dad getting really close to Keith's face. "Dad back of" I inturubed. Keith pushed me back on the heather before Dexter jumped on Keith and knocked him down. We lay there looking up at the sky. My tattow turned completly mauve to show I'm having a fun time. "Take my hand" he said offring his hand to me. He grabbed my hand and we went to the black lion. "Theres only one seat" I said. I had my hands around his chest his face was extremely red. "How arnt you scared where going to 268 mph the fasted speed a car can go" he yelled! "You'll be surprised to see what I do in my freetime" I yelled my tattow glowing lillac showing happiness. "You're one of the toughest girls I've ever meet" he yelled.

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