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When the WOA first heard about the Leerabels hosting an event, they thought it would be easy to get two people in there and find out everything that was necessary to finally put the entire family behind bars, but then the question arose, who would go ? The event was mostly held by the youngest girl in the family,  15 year old Tracey would invite all her wealthy friends as a cover up so that their parents had a reason to come too, but who was 15 and really able to pull this off, after a few debates it was decided, that Fontaine Nekton would go, Dress, Make-up, an inventation and a wig would be provided by the WOA, the only thing Fontaine would have to take care of, would be to find a date that she could work with. How hard could that be ? And what could it let to ?

WOA=World Ocean Authority

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