Chapter Six- Oh God... (Joshua)

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What the hell? Stop it!!! Let go! Eventually after I gained some control of myself I let go. My arms fall to my side and, although the sun is shining, I get goosebumps covering my arms.

"I'm going home, what do you expect me to want to stay? You tell me my boyfriend is a cheat and you expect me to hang about! I don't wanna hear that... Then you grab me..." She looks down at her arm, which is now bright red. She stares at me incredulous. "Look I'm going... I need to talk to George and sort this out... Not that it's any of your buisness. We can meet up another day, okay?? Just I need space for a couple days. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye." Then she walked away.


"Mum I'm home... Mum?" She still isnn't back.

Straight away I go to sort out my brothers. I never get a break.

"Did Mum come home at all?" I ask as my sister enters the room.

"Nope, and by the looks of it she ain't gonna."

"Is not going to..." I correct. She gives me a bitter glare and I just laugh. After a moments pause she asks.

"So, how did your date go?" I return the glare.

"It wasn't a 'date' it was just two friends meeting-"

"yeah right, whatever. This... Whatever it was didn't go to plan did it? Because lets face it if it did you wouldn't be back here so early." She rolls her eyes.

"So I'm guessing you must have fell out with your 'friends' then?" She looks away, her eyes start to gleam with tear but she manages to keep them at bay.

"Not exacly."

"What happened?" She looks at the boys and I stand up guiding her to my room, which is in such a mess. As soon as I close my door she falls apart. Her crying uncontrollable.

"What's up honey?"

"K-Kaleb he... H-he started a... He s-started abusing Jas." She looks at me expectantly.


She sighs then starts again. "I was just ment to meet with Jas but he came along... He was holding her tight, too tight. I ignored it, I thought it couldn't be anything serious. Then Kay phoned him and.. And then Jasmin told me all about it. He controls her life he wasn't going to let her meet me but she improvised and invited him along. He has always been conrolling but I never thought he was capable of that."

"How old is he again?"

"um... 17... 18?? Around about that."

"How old is Jasmin?" She looks at the ground. Embarressed?

"19" I stare at her. I swear she told mum Jas was her age, but I never believed her as there wasn't a Jas at school. I never thought she would be so old.

"Ok... Answer this honestly, do you meet up with anyone who is your age or are the all 18 to 20???"

"17 to 25" Her cheeks flush. "but Jas, Chloe and Amy all look after me and treat me like I'm their age. Everyone else thinks I'm 16 or 17 anyway so it's fine." I have always thought she looked older than me but I'd have never admitted it to her ever. And the way she dressed made her look older, I just never imagined that she had been with people that age. I know nothing about her even though I act as her brother and Dad. I don't know what to say to her so I just wrap my hands around her and squeeze.

She looks up and says, "You won't tell anyone will you?"

"Don't worry Pip I'd never tell anyone." I always call her Pip, she hates it but it is part of her middle name so I always get away with calling her it.

"And Josh?"


"What happened with Alex? Is it Alex?"

"Yes and not much. I took her to my spot and ruined the atmosphere as per usual... But by telling her that her boyfriend is a cheat."

"Wow! You are so good with girls!" A grin spreads across her face.

"I know, I know."

"Josh? Is she the one going out with George?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh my God really? She is pretty!"

"I know"

She giggles and chants "Josh has a crush! Josh has a crush!"


"Well atleast you told her and she didn't have to hear through rumours. So even though you messed up big time, you did the right thing."

"Thanks. You never know I may still have a chance with her."

"I doubt it." She says and winks at me. "I'd better go, Dad will be back in a couple hours. I'll look after Luke and Harvey, you can have a break."

"Wow this is a turn around! Thanks though Pip, I'm always here for you." She smiles then turns around and walks out.

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