Deck the Halls: "You're no fun, Eugene."

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A/N: So this is part two of "Deck the Halls." This one is where it starts to be more AUish since Anissa knows about Eugene's powers.


"So Jeff and I have something fun for you girls." Mrs. Pierce smiled at Eugene goodnaturedly as her and Mr. Pierce stood in the doorway. "Jeff brought the Christmas tree down from the attic and we were thinking you three could decorate it while we're out."

"Oh, that sounds fun!" said Eugene. At least Jennifer and Anissa wouldn't be perfectionists like Mom.

"Anyway, we'll be back at nine," said Mr. Pierce. "You know the rules."

"Don't open the door for anyone," said Eugene. "Call Gambi if there's an emergency. "

"Well, call us first, but if we don't answer, then Gambi," said Mr. Pierce. "Uh, Jen should be in bed at eight o' clock sharp."

Jen puckered out her lower lip. "Awe..."

Lynn glared pointedly in Jen's direction. "Don't you start, young lady." She turned to Eugene. "I put dinner in the fridge and labeled it with today's date. All you need to do is microwave it."

"Thanks, Mrs. Pierce."

"Thank you, Eugene. We really appreciate you helping out." Lynn gave Anissa and Jennifer each a kiss on the forehead. "Have fun"

After Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left, Jen stared up at Eugene with wide, pleading puppy eyes. "Can you let me stay up a little later? They won't get back until nine."

"Oh, no, I'm not doing that. My mother is already scary. I'm not dealing with your scary mother too."

Jen flipped her braids over her shoulder. "You're no fun, Eugene."

Eugene scoffed. "Come on, let's decorate the tree. That'll be fun!"


Eugene was going through the second ornament box Mrs. Pierce had put out when she found one of those personalized ornaments you could put pictures in. The picture in this one was one of Anissa's baby pictures. She wore a min-Santa hat with multiple streaks of food dribbling down her chin. Eugene snorted.

"Hey, Anissa, look what I found."

Anissa came out from behind her side of the tree and leaned over Eugene's shoulder. "What is i--? Oh, no, we are not putting that up. I tell Mom and Dad to bury it every year."

"I think it's cute!" Eugene shot Anissa nose-scrunching grin. "I'mma hang it up near the top where everyone can see."

"First of all, if you want everyone to see, the middle would be better. Second of all, that's not going anywhere near the tree."

Anissa grabbed Eugene's arm to snatch the ornament, but Eugene shocked her. Not enough to hurt her, but enough to make her gasp loudly like the drama queen she was.

"You said you wouldn't use that against me!"

"Thanks for the advice!" Eugene smirked and moved to hang the ornament up.

"She wouldn't use what against you?" Jen asked as she worked on the bottom branches.

"Nothing," Eugene said immediately. Anissa opened her mouth to speak and Eugene signed, "If you don't shut up, I'll shock you again."

"Sorry, that was too fast. I'm new at this."

Eugene went to sign slower but stopped as she caught sight of Jen watching her signs curiously and carefully. Dammit. That girl was too nosy for her own good.

"It's nothing," Eugene repeated. "How is hanging up ornaments going over there, Jen?"

"It's okay." She hung her head. "I realized Daddy's not here to help me put the star on the top, though."

"That's a shame," said Eugene. "You don't have a stool or anything?"

"The stool doesn't make me tall enough."


"I have an idea," Anissa signed, her movements rapid with excitement. She did the sign for TREE and then mimicked someone flying to the top with the pointer finger on her other hand.

Eugene's eyes widened. Anissa wanted her to fly Jen to the top of the tree. "No, no, no," she signed, head shaking frantically. "We're not doing that."

"It will be fun!"

"No!" Eugene scrunched up her face - this time indignantly. Jen could get hurt. And she had an even bigger mouth than Anissa.

"Oh, come on, Eugene, you're no fun."

"That's what I said!" Jen piped.

"You know what else would be fun?" Eugene crossed her arms. "Hanging up that ornament with your picture."

Anissa's grin vanished. "No!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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