IMAGINE: Meeting Gerard at the mall.

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Request; can you write about meeting Gerard at the mall?

You were growing impatient as you scanned your surroundings for what felt like the fifth time, your phone was clutched in your hand as you absentmindedly tapped your foot. 

Where were they?

You'd agreed to meet up with three friends at 11, for a "girly" time, shopping and hanging out at the mall for the day. Only they hadn't turned up, you'd been waiting for over an hour and it was fair to say you were getting a little pissed off.

'Where are you?' You'd texted them when they were half an hour late and you still hadn't gotten an answer. You'd even dressed up for the day; well not really, but your hair was neat, you were wearing your favourite band t-shirt and  you'd also looked out your best combat boots.

You leant against the wall and sighed, what was the point of being punk rock if you didn't have any friends? Your phone suddenly beeped, drawing you out of your thoughts as you unlocked it and checked your messages.

'Sorry none of us can come, had to cancel :('

You were disappointed of course, but at least one of them had replied.

'Aww okay then :( see you some other time then' you texted back and thought about what to do next.

Well, there was some stuff you needed to buy, and you were here so you might as well just do it. You made up your mind and headed off to the nearest shop, pushing your hands into your pockets as you walked.

It wasn't too bad to be honest, you shopped by yourself and forgot about your disappointment and soon it was almost 2. You suddenly realised how hungry you were so decided to get some (late) lunch at a café a few shops down, you were also slightly tired so you decided you'd sit outside the café to eat it.

You'd just finished when you heard a familiar laugh, you turned your head towards the direction the sound came from and sure enough there was one your best friends, standing with her back to you. With her was the two others you'd agreed to meet with and three boys.

Their boyfriends.

Anger and hurt welled up inside of you, so they'd blown you off just so they could go on a group date and not have to worry about you tagging along. They'd lied to you so that they could get you off their backs for the day, their boyfriends were obviously more important than their best friend. It wasn't your fault you were still single, they'd all been asked out while you hadn't, suddenly you'd become insignificant as the forever-alone friend. It wasn't fair.

You sat low in your chair, facing downwards with your hand supporting your head as a tear escaped from your eye and rolled down your cheek. You were angry at yourself for crying, it was such a babyish thing to do, but then again they didn't care so why should you. No, it just wasn't fair, you thought to yourself as more tears leaked from your eyes.

"Hey," you looked up suddenly, "I was just wondering, are you alright?"

There was a guy standing over you, he had messy black hair and pale skin, was dressed in scraggy jeans and converse with a slightly faded band t-shirt and had a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah," you choked back, trying to swallow your tears and look presentable, "yeah I'm alright thanks."

He gestured towards the empty chair opposite you, "Do you mind if I-?"

"Sure go ahead" you smiled weakly and wiped at your eyes.

"I'm Gerard, by the way." He said, offering his hand to you across the table. You took it and shook hands with him, his grasp was strong and warm and you suddenly felt a little better.

"Y/n" you replied, smiling genuinely this time.

"It's great to meet you, y/n." Gerard smiled back, then frowned, "I can tell you're upset, but do you mind me asking why?"

You shook your head and bit your lip slightly, "I arranged to meet my friends and they never turned up because they had to cancel, only they didn't, they just lied to me because they wanted to spend the day with their boyfriends and don't want me tagging along. I just feel so insignificant and like I don't know if they even like me now."

Gerard sighed, "I understand, that's what it was like for me a few years ago when I was the only single one in our gang, but I decided it wasn't worth it and just cut them out of my life. Anyway, try not to let it bother you," he grinned slightly, "someone as beautiful as you shouldn't have to cry."

You giggled and smiled shyly as your cheeks heated up a little, feeling your awful mood lift as he winked at you.

"I like your t-shirt by the way," He added, glancing at it.

"Thanks! They're my favourite band!" You laughed and he laughed too.

"Really? Me too!" He replied and grinned at you, you beamed back.

You started talking about music, losing track of the time as you shared opinions about bands you both liked but before long the subject changed and you told the other about yourself.

Gerard seemed a really nice guy, and you were happy talking to him. Time flew by as you joked together and chatted casually, your friends forgotten as you talked to this beautiful new person.

"Oh shit, it's been an hour and a half already!" You laugh as you glance at your watch.

"Do you wanna hang with me this afternoon?" Gerard asked, almost shyly.

"Sorry?" You query, knowing full well what he said.

"Well I mean like, you're on your own, and I'm on my own, so we could maybe go together? Perhaps get coffee and go out for dinner later?" He blushes and glanced downwards as you hesitated then grinned.

"I don't see why not, I mean my friends won't miss me so I've got all day and evening!" You answered and smiled widely at him and he grinned back relieved.

He stood up then offered his hand, helping you up. Once you were standing he didn't let go of your hand as you began to walk, he was warm and strong and you felt safe and happy with him. As you left the café area you glanced back and saw one of your friends had spotted you, she was looking at you with a surprised expression which suggested she was a bit feeling guilty.

Ah well let her, you thought as you flipped her off with your free hand and smiled widely. Gerard saw you and grinned, squeezing your hand. You smiled back and laughed slightly, you didn't need them now. Gerard was WAY cuter than their boyfriends, and you were pretty sure the rest of the day was gonna be amazing.

IMAGINE: Meeting Gerard at the mall.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora