Part 2: Being Diagnosed

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~~1 month since the battle~~

"I can't help you if you won't talk to me." The on-base shrinks voice annoyed me to no end. Her circular glasses resting on her crooked nose that truly did nothing for her. "Your family is worried about you Calypso. Don't you want to get better?"

I bit my tongue, refusing to speak a single word. I wasn't some broken mirror that needs fixing. I didn't need her to fix me. I didn't want her to. I just wanted to be left alone. Is that too much to ask for? I just wanted to forget. Time to sort through everything. To figure everything out.

She suddenly sighed loudly. The sound bringing me from my thoughts. "What's your favorite color?" The change in questions confused me. What did my favorite color have to do with anything? Was this a trick? Some stupid ploy to get me to trust her?

What did I have to lose? It's just a color. "Blue." Her face lit up at my response, her eyes lighting up with a weird kind of excitement that I found to be very puzzling. It was like she'd just found a pack of Oreos. It was so puzzling. So odd. So...confusing.

"Favorite season?" Her voice was filled with a strange amount of excitement. Yet still I conceded, indulging her and her pointless questions. My walls still strong and my guard unwavering.




"Favorite holiday?"




She tilted her head. Her eyes trained on my form. Her amber orbs unwavering. Most would fidget under her gaze but I'd learned from a young age never to do so. Speak softly and hide your weaknesses. "Biggest fear?" Her innocent question made me freeze. My mind flying back to my dreams. A flashback wrapping itself around my mind, blocking out everything else.

"I'm going to kill you!" Megatron basically screamed and next thing I know I'm falling, the large statue detaching from the building and my body plummeting towards the ground. A single scream tearing its way free of my throat. My biggest fear coming to life as I curled in upon myself.  All of a sudden I hit a hard but smooth surface, pain shooting through my ribs at the contact. My heart rate still running a mile a second. My breath caught in my throat. I was-

"-ypso! Calypso!" Her voice was almost frantic as I faded back to reality, the flashback leaving me shaking to the point of vibrating. My heart pounding frantically in my chest, causing a feeling of breathlessness. "What's wrong? Was it a flashback?" The concern in her eyes was not enough to shatter my facade as I nodded. Trying desperately to even put my erratic breathing.

"Falling." I whispered watching her closely. I could almost literally see her thinking. See the wheels turning and the pieces putting themselves together.

Suddenly her eyes widened and realization spread across her face. She had access to all of the Mission City reports. A high-level security clearance. She knew what happened. Perhaps even better than I know what happened. She knows everything. She knows what happened.

"Calypso I believe, both because of this and what your father has said, as well as the Mission City Reports," She began, going back to her seat and writing something down in a notebook. Her glasses sliding down to rest upon the edge of her nose. Her graying hair falling in front of her eyes and obstructing her unwavering gaze. "I believe that the trauma you experienced has caused PTSD."

It made sense. The dreams, the moods, the flashbacks. It made sense. "I'm going to prescribe some medication that should help with the flashbacks and mood changes. Okay?" I nodded despite it being a rhetorical question. "I'm also recommending therapy sessions. Talking to someone could really help you."

I didn't listen to the base shrink. Maybe I should have. However I refused to take anymore medication, refused to acknowledge that something was wrong. I'd just, no.

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