Chapter 7

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The next few weeks of Nikki's life was perfect! As her storyline progressed on-screen with joining The Authority, having already scheduled a match at Night Of Champions against her sister; her and Seth's relationship continued on off-screen.

But, something did confuse her, though. Seth still hadn't tried to sleep with her. Isn't that what most men wanted, to sleep with their girlfriends? She supposed so, but she hadn't slept with anyone else since her previous boyfriend. Didn't Seth... want her? He certainly seemed to, as each night they spent together they went just a little bit further.

But they never went all the way. She'd never wanted a man like this before, and even that feeling scared her just a little. She wanted so badly to share all of herself with him. What was holding him back?

She tried to push her thoughts away when she heard the doorbell ring. "Hey, you," she said with a smile as she opened the door. Before she could say another word Seth gathered her into his arms and gave her a long, eager kiss, the bill of his hat knocking against her forehead. He always greeted her with such enthusiasm; it made her heart flutter.

"Hey, yourself," he replied when he finally pulled back. "Ready to go?"

"Just let me get my jacket." She turned to grab her usual zip-up hoodie, quickly putting it on. "Where are we going, anyway?"

"Some taco place Dean's been talking about forever," he answered.

"Dean?" she echoed. "So am I finally meeting your friends for real?"

"For real," he confirmed as he held the door open for her. He closed it, and she locked it. "They've been bugging me to meet up for dinner for weeks. I've been putting it off because they're assholes and I don't want them to scare you off, but they're at the point of ambushing you one day, so I've got to get it over with."

She chuckled. "They're not going to scare me off," she assured him, slipping her hand into his. "I'm excited to meet your friends. I think it's cute they care so much about what's going on in your life."

"Trust me, you'll be rolling your eyes soon," he said.


"So, you all are really close behind the camera, too?" Nikki asked, taking a small bite out of her taco.

"Yup!" Roman piped up, giving off his signature smirk.

"That's cool! I've known a lot of the divas in the locker room for awhile, now. You could say that we're family." She said, smiling.

"I think I like this one, Seth," Dean announced happily, pointing at her with another chip before popping it in his mouth. "I like her a lot."

"So do I," Seth replied with a chuckle, putting an arm around her and squeezing her shoulder.

Nikki smiled at all of them over the rim of her soda glass. She didn't know why Seth had been so worried about her meeting his friends; they appeared to like her, she definitely liked them. Dean and Roman were certainly an interesting bunch, and one she knew she would enjoy getting to know further. They seemed to be very supportive of Seth and his relationship endeavors, which was more than she ever could have said for John.


"I had a great time," Nikki said as they reached her house. "I'm really glad I finally got to meet your friends. They're both just hilarious."

Seth laughed. "I'm glad you can tolerate the assholes I hang around with," he replied.

"Are you kidding?" she asked, turning to unlock her door. "I love them!"

"Good," he said with a smile. "So are we still on for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Of course. But..." She paused, removing her key and leaning back against the unlocked door. "I have an idea. What if we have it here, instead of going out?" She could only hope her slyness would slip by him.

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