Meilleures Amies

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Andrea left Arianna's school when they were of thirteen years of age. Not only did she change schools, but home as well. Not a single day has passed since that Andrea, living in the sunny city of Florida does not miss her dear friend Arianna- who lived in New York now. Changing schools did not only mean a slight tug of war in Andrea's heart but also quite a depressive state to Arianna. Both of them loved each other a lot. Andrea used to call Arianna her "personal dictionary" and Arianna gleaming with delight reciprocated with just as a thoughtful name which would suit her best friend, her "personal entertainment". Although Andrea was all smiles and laughter and a self- confessed extrovert, their relationship was nothing but strong even with Arianna being the quiet, brooding one.

Leaving the school where she spent most of her childhood in, the gleaming beach which she so much adored and especially her amazing best friend Arianna was very hard for Andrea. With a heavy heart when she departed, Arianna like the girl she was, acted cool and calm and said that it's not very far and the world is in fact a very small place. It never struck her how much her mate, Andrea's absence would feel like.

Days passed by- phone calls lessened. Months flew by- emails became non-existent. Time shot like an arrow and it hit her. Arianna missed her friend.


With the arrival of the day, Arianna hated it. She knew it would be a long day today. After the dismissal of school, she came past to her bed- took a power nap for half an hour and dressed up all very ready for her basketball practice. The day at school was dreary, the magic was sucked out of Physical Education class without her usual partner, even more that very day. She waited for the day to end as soon as possible because unnaturally enough, she was actually looking forward to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. One more in the already list of two which felt the absence of Andrea. Calling them sister would be an understatement. They were more than that. Their friendship was thicker than blood.

Arianna expertly pulled out the band out of her short hair to make it into a bun on top of her head. It was a burning hell today, the weather. As she was making for the door while munching onto her apple, preoccupied by the thought of basketball class,- she almost did not notice a brightly coloured envelope lying between the short space from the main gate to the stony way.

The sight of the familiar writing stuck a clump to her throat. "ARIANNA". Whoa. Out of the blue. Andrea? After so many months of not contacting each other, now?

For a moment she forgot about her classes and decided to give some time to her friend too. Gingerly, she opened the envelop.


"I know it has been long, hell very long since we talked. Don't really know how it all happened but somehow the numbers set in roads all summed up and created this barrier between us. It is not your fault and I hope it isn't mine but the phone calls felt very alienating and emails too fake. Our busy lives took toll on us and we, although very reluctantly, submitted to it. You probably know how it feels when this happens. More than me, if not less.

I've made quite a lot of fine friends in here. It just feels so different though. Yes, still now it does. Because, like you once said 'a new friend never replaces an old one', it is very true in every sense here...."

A light slowly brightened up to a level where Arianna could not make out the letters of the paper anymore. Her head was throbbing and in her ears were ringing soft tunes of a melodious sound.

She woke up from her unfinished dream. Her mum had opened up the blinders to pass through plus, her favourite band also had quite a lot to do in resulting her current state. After few minutes of freshening up- she was ready for the last day of the week in school. However, her phone lying on the bed ignited a fire in her heart. She can do it, she found saying that to herself. Following the soft tapping of numbers on her phone screen, she waited and waited. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.


"I miss you."

Meilleures AmiesWhere stories live. Discover now