Part one

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This maze is huge.." I said as I ran my fingers along the rusted walls. I'd heard stories about this maze. In doors and scary as all..well you get the jist of it. I never believed any of it. I was so confident in fact that I invited my girlfriend to tag along...

"Donte," she had argued "isn't that the maze they say people get lost In and never come out? Just lose their minds and live in the maze?"

"Yes," I said, "people say that to scare you. Its not true."

After a while in the maze we began to hear echoes of voices, after we heard a scream I found myself holding her close to me. I knew that it was just someone else getting scared but I still wanted to be sure she was safe, just in case. After a while we stopped to take a break and relax.

"Longest. Maze. Ever." She said. I nodded in reply then suddenly a voice from around the next corner ran throughout the little section we were resting in. It was weak..and rough.

"Help me... please," it said. Malisha instantly rushed to see what was wrong. Getting there a split second after her.. I saw nothing.. there was no one there

"How did they.." was all I could say before all of the lights went out. I fumbled for my flashlight then turned it on.

"Malisha?!" I cried out into the hallway. Only to hear my voice echo back to me. After trying a few times I realized that my only chance was to go look for her. So I began to walk down the hallway..then after I got about halfway through I felt four slashing pains across my back. Instantly I turned around to see a thin, pale, long armed man standing in my beam of light.

"You just scratched me!!!" I scream..sort of demanding an answer. He just began to laugh hysterically. Them he started swinging his arms at me and I realized he had jagged long finger nails.. I began to back up. Waiting for the first thing to come to mind. Then suddenly he pulled both arms back as if he was going to lunge at me, I used this opportunity to send my head flying into his nose. Following up with the flashlight.. he fell to the ground. and I began to walk down the hallway again. Now with a headache and blood running down my back from the scratches.

After a while I heard two voices.. one was Malisha's the other one was a females..unfamiliar but it sounded like they were having a conversation.. so I followed the voices to a small room that looked like someone had set up camp in it..

"Donte!" Malisha scream as soon as I entered, "I've been waiting for you"

"Well I've been looking for you i promise.. who is this..?" I couldn't help but ask. The second person in the room was also pale. But looked civil..

Malisha shrugged, "someone who helped me"

"Im Christy!" She said excidedly

"Well thank you for helping Malisha.. do you know a way out of here?" she shook her head in reply..

"Oh..well thank you anyways," I said upon departure.. then she grabbed Malisha by the arm and pulled her back.

"You can't leave!" She demanded over and over.. then Malisha popped her a good one in the nose and we ran out of the room. I was fighting back a chuckle till I felt Malisha touch my back.

"Owch!" I couldn't help but yell. Followed by an explanation of what happened.

After what felt like hours of walking around we saw the exit. Infront of it stood Christy.. with a deranged look on her face.

"Don't leave.." she begged, "never leave!" Then she lunged with a flurry of punched towards me. I just blocked and deflected them until finally I realized that she would kill me..then I snapped her wrist..she continued punching.. both wrists and still no reaction.. Malisha was at the door holding it open for us when finally I caught one of Christy's arms and snapped it at the she was angry..she threw more violent less accurate punches. And I had no choice but to react..I threw her agents the wall. She had weighed next to nothing..probably from lack of food. The impact on the wall knocked her unconscious so me and Malisha ran out. When we got back to the front desk we were questioned about my back but we kept walking. We got into the car my friend had let me borrow..and drove off. But when I looked in the rearview mirror.. what I saw terrified me..the freak who had scratched my back..was sitting.. in the back seat

The Maze (pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now