Chapter 9-A minor attack

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I woke up the next morning, completely alone. Immediately, the worst thoughts began swimming in my head. Where was he? Why would he leave me? Was he taken by someone? Was I next?

I struggled to breathe as I stumbled out of the bed. I frantically searched the room and didn't find him. I ran out of the room, across to Finn's room. I barged in without knocking, just to find another empty room. At that point, I sunk to my knees and cried. I cried for my missing brother as well as my missing parents. But most importantly I cried for my mate. I loved him and now he was taken from me.

"Mason" I screamed in agony. I laid my head down on the floor and continued to cry. Not even a minute later, I heard feet running up the stairs at an unusually fast rate. But I couldn't care less. All I wanted was Mason, but he was gone.

All of sudden a loud bang was heard, as the door to Finn's room was thrown off its hinges. Mason stood there, with both Finn and Ethan behind him. Mason's eyes were black as he growled lowly and scanned the room. But once his eyes landed on me, they softened just a bit, but not enough to where Mason was in control. It was all Josh, and it would probably stay that way for a few hours. He was always very overprotective of me.

He ran to me and engulfed me in his warm, muscular, arms and held me close. We stayed in silence for a few minutes, until I stopped crying. He was okay, he was here.

"What's wrong? Why did you scream? And why are you in Finn's room? When we left a few hours ago you were asleep in your room." Ethan asked.

"I woke up and Mason wasn't there. I freaked out and couldn't breath. I ran in here for Finn's help, he normally helps me with my anxiety attacks, but he wasn't in here. I screamed and began crying." I sobbed into Mason's chest as he held me tight against him, his hand running up and down my back to help calm me.

"Shhhhh" he cooed. And that was all he said. Josh was not very good at talking calmly, even with me. But he's trying.

"We went for a pack run early this morning." Finn said as he stepped closer to us, weary of how close he got due to Josh. "We had been gone two hours when Mason felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't place what it was so he decided to turn around and head back to the pack house. He was curious but wasn't in too big of a hurry, that was until he thought about you. Josh took control immediately and ran as fast as he could to get back here. We had just shifted back when you screamed."

I looked up at Mason to see that Josh was still in control.

"You're okay." I whispered, more to myself than to him. But I knew he heard me as he gave a small nod before breathing in my scent to help calm him down some more, but it didn't work.

"Mine" he growled in a deep husky voice. A voice that was directed towards my brother and Ethan. A voice that had both of them out of the room and going down the stairs as quickly as their legs would take them.

By then my breathing was back to normal and I had stopped crying. Once the others left, Josh gave partial control to Mason, but not all because he was still on edge.

"I'm so stupid." he mumbled, just loud enough so I could hear. I shook my head and tried to tell him otherwise, but he continued. "I should never have left you, not at a time like this, not with Alex still out there. I'm so stupid, and I am so sorry." His words were no more than a whisper, but they held so much emotion.

He was beating himself up over this, but he's not fully to blame, he needed to know that. He had work to do, he did not need to be worrying about a small mistake. I was the least of his worries.

He got up and was pacing around the room, muttering things under his breath. His hair was messed up due to him running his hands through it. I could hear his breath quickening and I could tell he was having an inner battle with Josh, who was beyond livid with what they had done.

I stood from the floor and went to him. I place my small hands on his chest to get him to stop pacing. He immediately stopped and wrapped his large arms protectively around me. He closed his eyes, and tried to calm himself by focusing on me.

"Look at me," I gently whispered. He slowly did so, and he let out a sigh as I moved my hand to caress his face. "Don't beat yourself up over this. I am fine now, and so are you. But, we have bigger problems in our hands. Don't worry about me, I'm not what is most important. The pack and our parents are more important than me, don't worry about me. I'm sorry about all of that. I just freaked out, and I started to think that maybe Alex had-"

He growled lowly and tightened his grip on me as his eyes darkened and Josh took full control. "You are the most important person in my life. No one will ever come before you, don't ever think otherwise. You are my weakness, that is why Alex is targeting you, that is why I am beating myself up over leaving you alone. I gave him an open invitation to come get you. I left you without protection, and without a way to contact me." He paused for a moment before speaking slightly calmer. "You are my weakness, and I never want to lose you. You are mine, now and forever. And I am eternally grateful for that."

I smiled at the thought of getting to spend the rest of my life with the wonderful guy in front of me. I threw my arms around his neck as I gazed into his still black eyes. "I will never leave you. You are mine and I am yours." He smiled and seemed to relax enough to give Mason some control back. "Now come on, we have work to do."

With my arms still around him, he picked me up bridal style and carried me down the four flights of stairs and into his office. He sat in his chair with me in his lap. I just sat there and watched as his eyes changed back to the vibrant green that I loved so much.

"I have work to do," Mason said "It's still early, you should go back to sleep."

"Then why did you bring me in here instead of back to our bedroom?"

"The only way I could get Josh to give me back full control was if I promised to keep you with me all day. But I have work to do and plans to make if we are going to find our parents. So I couldn't go back to bed. Besides, I wouldn't get any sleep anyways."

I nodded and looked at the clock that hung above the door. It was only 6:40. So, I laid my head on Mason's chest and fell asleep watching him intently stare at a map.

As a Christmas gift to all of you I finally updated. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope it was great for all of you. I got a computer, so I should be updating more often than I have been. I'm working on chapter 10 already, you guys are in for a treat for the next chapter. It's a little different from the others. But I'm having trouble writing it. So I might be another day or two. 

From now on, I'm going to try to update regularly. Maybe once a week?

As usual... COMMENT AND VOTE. Let me know if there is a grammatical error. 

With Love, Lexie.

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