March 31, 1995

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March 31,1995
Chris Perez POV
I'm sitting at home talking to my father Gilbert when I get a call.
A~Abraham and C~Chris
(I don't know if Ab called Chris but for my story I'm having Abraham call him)
C~ "Hello?"
A~ "Chris it's me Abraham you have to get the hospital right now!"
C~ "Okay Okay what's wrong?"
A~ "Selena was shot and she's in surgery"
C~ "I'm on my way" I say with tears pooling in my eyes worried about my wife
I hang up and rush to the hospital not saying much to my father
I rush in to see Selena's family
"Ab bro what happened? Is selena okay?"
"Chris I'm sorry but she passed away"
"Ab bro what happened? Is Selena okay?"
"We don't know much all we know is that she was shot and yes she is okay Chris she's awake"
I finally calm down and walk into the room to my wife
"Oh Sel" I say with tears in my eyes just seeing her state
"Oh Chris" I hear my wife cry and hug me
"Sel tell me what happened tell me everything" I say and I can see her get emotional
"I went to talk to Yolanda about the money and me and her started arguing and when I turned to leave she pulled out a gun and shot me" Selena cries
I feel anger in my body angry that Yolanda would do that more specially to someone who called her their best friend.
I hug Selena in my arms as she cries and later when I'm able to take her home I never let her leave my sight wanting to protect her and make sure she's safe.

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