"the changing world"

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Never has one story been centered around so much of one individual his psychic disease... The meteor that hit the exact center of the North Pole....the essence of magic that followed afterward and the appearance of the monster girls and the planet growth to the size of more than Jupiter and the appearance of more women from different planets...it was all too much to take in for the little guy he couldn't help it he was so sexually attracted to some of these joint women and now that his disease was basically gone but all women were now able to transform to any size andmen never actually coming up to the same size as woman too often women were definitely in control but the wars that spread the fire the famine and then eventually...PEACE!

Yes world Peace happens every so often in the story of an individual or world which ever you may think to take it...whether it was God's punishment this world's piece or whether it was just something very nice women were now in control but it seemed it was such a man's and a woman's Paradise that it could never ever go back to being the way it was constant wars there was nothing to worry about the only thing you had to worry about was either being squished by a giant woman or being loved constantly by them gayness was not really a thing, but it was still prevalent because so many women were so sexual now men were finding them so much more attractive and women were finding so much pleasure in loving these little man it could barely be called a thing, gayness. It still happened and it was still very nice when it did happen because it was never ever something that anyone disapproved of. It was something that was almost like a paradise on Earth women loving men men loving women gayness being accepted but still not encouraged however very tolerated it was like some sort of paradise was brought to Earth by that meteor that crashed when the meteor got close you could feel its presence in some of the diseases of the second nature which is what Sunny got and it turned out when it crashed into the North Pole magneticly driven to it? something just didn't add up but it wasn't just that everything added up for the first time peace rained out on Earth and I don't mean the r e g i n. I mean it happened like rain falling from the skies in massive amounts, sexiness was the constant thing that always happened even if you were squished by a woman you are considered lucky to get that, because you are never ever in pain when it happened for some reason when it happened it was always.... well suffice to say that person that got squished by a giant woman's foot or boob or something was always letting loose at the same time so it was always inevitable that a bloody cum mess was made and the woman that found it licked it up and she loved it...we don't know what drove all this behavior but people were starting to get along it was great but he still had no older sister and he was surviving but almost everyone was living forever it was endless population growth potential because the planet was now bigger than Jupiter the planets have realigned and it was weird they couldn't even tell where in the solar system that was because space technology had not been redeemed ever since the first migration... This planet was hopelessly alone and helpless to its own sexiness and peace... Nothing could prepare them for what could happen next though... Well more peace but more adventures as well of a sexual nature...and all he could think about was his dead sister but he was to find out soon that you can love again even if you do love someone... More than you can love you on life...

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