(1) I'm Stupid, But So Are My Friends

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"Get the hell away from me you stupid bird!" I screamed as I scurried around the tables of the restaurant. "No, no, no! Leave me alone--"

[Record Scratch]

[Freeze Frame]

Don't understand? Yeah, it's understandable. Perhaps it would be a good idea to start from the beginning.

It all started on the day of my birth. When I was born, the doctors noticed something different about me. I had two different colored eyes. As I grew older, I realized I had powers. What kind of powers? Telekinesis, super speed, and super hearing--

Heh, I'm just jokin' with ya. My life has been just as normal and stressful as every average person. Days were full of chores, eating, work, school, more work, sleeping, did I mention work? The only source of entertainment other than the internet was doing stupid stuff with my two friends, Leila and Jack.

And by stupid stuff I mean small pranks that wouldn't even get us in trouble if we were caught.

One day, I wanted us all to step up our game. As seniors in college, I felt it was our duty to do something absolutely crazy before our threesome disbands. I decided to call the more adventurous friend-- Jake-- to talk about it.

"Hello?" He said when he answered the phone.

"Hey, Jake, I have something to ask of you."


"Do you think we could do something crazy? Something we've never done. Not just a small prank, but an adventure."

"Um... what do you have in mind?"

"Ever heard of overnight challenges?"

"...of course I have, but we are not doing that."

"Oh yes we are! I already have it all planned out! It'll be at, drum roll please, Chuck E Cheese's! I've seen someone post it on YouTube and it looked pretty cool, so--"

"Seriously? But that place is terrifying! Have you seen what Chuck E looks like? The damn rat used to smoke!"

"He's changed! And you should give 'that damn rat' another chance, or else you might be murdered and stuffed in a suit by him. Besides, he's not even real! Now stop interrupting m--"

"Oh boy, you only chose to go to that place because of fnaf, didn't you?"

"... Maybe... It has a very interesting story line, okay! Anyways, I just told you to stop interrupting, so shush!" I heard a small chuckle come from the speaker. "As I was saying, the YouTubers made it look cool, so I wanna do it, and you and Leila are coming with me."

"Mhm, and what did Leila say about this?"

"I uh, I actually haven't asked her yet. I was hoping you would be able to convince her. You are the salesman, after all," I said with a sheepish smile. I heard a long sigh from the phone.

"Fine, fine, I'll go, but if we get arrested I'm gonna kill you."

"Fair enough. Anyways, could you convince Leila and have her meet us there at 9:30 tomorrow?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't do anything else stupid without me, punk."

"Won't even think about it, knucklehead. Bye!" And I hung up, happy about how fun it's gonna be.

Hey! So if you read the description and title you would know that this is a rewritten version of my last fnaf fanfic. I started cringing way too much at how cliché it was, so I started over. I've never seen a fnaf story start with this sort of thing, so I did it myself. If there is already one like this, I apologize and promise that I am not trying to steal.

Also, sorry if I in any way ever offend anybody. Anything I say that might do so is completely unintentional. And if I did write it purposely, I meant it in a joking way for everyone to smile at.

Thanks for reading, and remember, whether you're a human, box, or a tree, have an amazing day.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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