Ross and Aura

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You saved me Ross, you and you alone saved me from the dark, cold, empty oblivion. Ross you grabbed me on the brink of death and the end and you made me whole you made me better.

Your hand in mine feels better than my two hands touching. You put the words in my mouth and happiness in my eyes. Sadly the fear that by doing so I'm taking all of your happiness away from you is killing me still, but this time slowly and painfully like a silver blade dragging across my wrists drawing the deepest, darkest blood out. Pain. Long. Tedious.

It was 2nd of July and you turned my world upside down and inside out, but at the same time you made it better.

~You made me whole again•~

So this is the story of Ross and aura the story of how he saved auras life and how aura is still here today and will stay whilst he stays here with her.

This is my second \first story and this I'd close to my heart so ENJOY 💙💛

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