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You arrived at the hospital in 25 min and you were sitting in the waiting room waiting for the nurse. You stood up as you saw the nurse coming towards you. She stopped in front of you as you looked up at her waiting for words to escape her mouth "we tried to see what was going on with your mom and it turns out that your mom has cancer and she's had it for a while" The nurse explained You bursted into tears knowing that your mom tried to keep this a really big secret from you. "But don't worry because its not as serious as you think ,it will cause some pain, but we will give her some medicine to drink and she will have to stay here for a couple of months," The nurse assured you. "And you may visit her right now until we get her medicine." "Thank you, nurse."you said As you walk in you see your mom laying her body on a hospital bed " Mom!! "You yelled as you ran inside the room. "Hey sweetie.I am pretty sure the doctor said I was going to stay here for months get those few hundreds from my bag and use it to rent a hotel"your mom offered " Thank you mom "I promise I will visit you every day until you can get out of here."you promised. You left the hospital to rent a fancy hotel as you walked up the stairs of the hotel you walk passed a familiar man that you've seen before, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.But wait..he looked like the guy in your dream.You attempted to get the man's attention but it was to late. He eventually took off. "I've got to find out who he is."you murmered. As you continue walking up the steps a guy that appeared to work there walked up to you "May I rent a room?,"you asked. "Of course you can," The hotel man said. "You can take room #346 and that will be 300$." "Here you go."you said as you handed him the money. In the room you got a really bad head ache it hurt worse than any thing you ever had in your life. You went to the doctor because you thought something was wrong with you cause it was not normal at all. "Please can I get a doctor fast?" you asked the person behind the counter "Okay I will get you a doctor as soon as possible."they said You went to the room to get checked "Another doctor is going to come to check you if anything is wrong just wait 5 min." Dr. Yoon said After you waited 5 min another doctor walked in with a clipboard in their hands. They turned to look at you and all you could do was sit there in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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