Chapter 6

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THANK YOU!! thanks for 1k its not a lot compared to other stories bit it means a lot to meee! thanks so much! comment if your enjoying, if you have any suggestions or anything :) -MrsMichael54321


Esmay has been hanging around with Ashton all the bloody Time, she spends more time with him than I do, she comes in laughing all the time, always smiling when she texts him, but I know he'll break her heart, so I have to finish it before anything even stats between them.

And also she never spends as much time in the bathroom at night, I know that's a creepy thing to notice, but she used to go in there for hours and then come out all glum but now she spends five minutes and comes out skipping about, and that's a huge difference, but that's probably got nothing to do with Ashton and I'm just over reacting a bit.

She also suddenly comes on the bus to school with me an Ashton all the time, which is fine but its like I'm not even there at all! they just talk about all time low and how much they both love all the same stuff and talk about plans for after school, when they ask if I want to come I say no because I can't cope with them all the time.

I was sat in math with Calum beside me and miss ren was sat at her desk whilst we received our marked tests from last week. "hey, what do you think of ash and esmay?" I asked Calum quietly

"What about them they're just friends at the moment, but I mean I can see them going out sooner or later" he said reading over his paper and not thinking Much about it at all whilst he spoke

"No he's not her type" I lied, I didn't even know her type

"Really ?" Calum looked up shocked "they seem close to me" he shrugged

"No they're not" i said quickly

"Well them why are you asking me?" Callum said

" I don't know, conversation stater" I lied "do you not want me to talk to you or something" I spoke bitterly

"Alright mate what's wrong with you today" he sighed shaking his head and putting his pens away, I looked up at the clock and saw it was nearly the end of class, meaning it was the end of the day.

Esmay said she was walking home with Ashton so when I saw him waiting at the gates I decided to start my plan, okay so I hadn't really made a plan as such but it was a spare of the moment thing.

I walked up to him casually as if nothing was up. "who are you waiting for'" I asked pretending I didn't have a clue

"Your sister, have you seen her ?" he said peering around and looking in the crowd

"Oh my sister" I said "oh well I just saw her leave, maybe she forgot or something, yeah actually she said to me earlier that she thought you weren't walking with her or something" I bull shitted.

"Should I try and catch up with her then" he suggested about to walk ahead, I put my hand on his chest to stop him though,

"No she would have already got on the bus by now"

"Oh" he said gutted "well I guess we could walk together then" he asked me

I said yes and we proceeded to walk home without esmay, hopefully esmay would get ma at Ashton for leaving and think he don't want her or something I mean that's what girls do jump to conclusions right?


I waited and waited for Ashton to meet me by the blue lockers, it wasn't until I saw the cleaner come in and realised the corridors where all empty that I decided I couldn't wait forever, maybe he went home sick or something, who am I kidding, for me to actually have a friend like Ashton, how did I think that would last long.

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