Chapter 1: Mission Lox

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A/N: I've made a couple of my own changes to the Avengers storyline. Peter is 18 years old in this, and all the Avengers are united. Most of them stay at the Stark tower. Thanos has yet to come. ALRIGHT LETS GET THIS STARTED WOOOO

    The typical backstory for a superhero is usually sad and overwhelmingly tragic. I hope you weren't expecting anything different because my story is most definitely sad and overwhelmingly tragic. Sucks right? It's so clichè. I hate to fit right in under that stereotype. But all this complaining is unnecessary, let's get to the point here.

    To make a long life-story short, I used to be in this happy little family. Just me and my parents. Looking back on it, they were so in love. It only lasted for a short while though. I was so young, I can hardly remember all the good times we had. They're all blurry now. But, I do remember one thing so vividly that I sticks with me to this day.

    That is, when I saw my mother get shot. I'll spare you the gruesome details for now. I was only seven years old. It changed me forever. The way I would think, the way I would act, the way I would live. My father was there too, he watched it all unfold and he couldn't do a thing about it.

    If only my powers had come in earlier. I would've been able to prevent it. Over time though, I learned that there's nothing I can do about it. It happened, it's in the past. So, I always act like I just don't care... With that comes a bit of a mean streak. That's how I cope.

December 19, 2018

Peter Parker's POV

    "What exactly are you insinuating here, Mr. Stark?" I asked. I always tried to be polite with him. But with his sarcasm and gigantic ego, sometimes it just wasn't that easy.

    "What I'm saying is that you're going to have to find this girl. Her name is Roxy Lox. I think she'd be a pretty damn valuable member in the Avengers. Is that straightforward enough for you?"

    "With all due respect, why me? You're good at talking to people! But me on the other hand, I suck! Especially when it comes to... Girls."

    "Well Peter, there's something just a little weird about a middle-aged man approaching a barely legal girl to talk to her in private. Don't you think?"


    "Thank you. She lives around your neighborhood and even goes to your school. I expect this little mission to be done today. No exceptions, kid." Mr. Stark spoke sternly.

    "Yes sir." I began to head out but stopped at the door. "How do you even know all this stuff about her?"

    "Trust me, I have eyes everywhere, kid. I thought you'd know that by now. Oh and I forgot to tell you just one more thing. It's just a minor detail really.. Roxy Lox isn't just any typical girl. She's well... You'll see. Have fun!"

    I stared at him with wide eyes, feeling unsure. Obviously, I didn't want to let Mr. Stark down. After all, I was the one who kept begging him for my very own mission. 'This is it,' I thought. 'I'll call it... Mission Lox.'

Roxy's POV

    Call me crazy, but I love conflict. No, not drama or any of that dumb stuff. But real conflict like robbers, murderers... That kind of stuff. You know why? Because once I get involved, there's no possible way for the bad guys to win. Sounds cocky, I know.

    It was exactly 3:00 PM and I had just gotten out of school. I suited up in my all grey attire. It fit my figure perfectly to where it complimented me, not to be arrogant or anything. I was casually strolling down a sidewalk in Queens, New York. That's where I grew up.

    This wasn't just a normal afternoon walk. I was on the hunt for that conflict I so craved to resolve. Criminals roam the streets of Queens on the daily, so I figured I was bound to find something. Little did I know, that this day was going to be the start of something much bigger than I. Much more... Important so to speak.

    Luckily, with my amazing senses, I heard a strange conversation amongst four men going on behind me. All of the sudden it stopped though. I sharply turned my head to see where they went, but they were gone. So I turned that direction to search for them.

   My black boots clacked on the ground as I held my head high. If I wanted to take on a group of men, I had to give off an assertive, confident energy. I could only wish to be that confident on a daily basis though.

    Sure enough, I found them gathered in an alleyway. Whispering amongst themselves. There was a black car ready for them to take off in. They were so consumed in their conversation that they hadn't the slightest idea that I was standing at the entrance of the alley.

    "Listen here and listen close. We're going to drop off the product and meet you at the dock Tuesday morning. If you fail to comply with this, than they're all dead. Got it?" A man spoke.

   Now was the perfect time. "Hello boys!..... So there's a party Tuesday morning and I wasn't invited?" I shouted to them, stilling standing at the entrance. They all froze and stared at me for a few moments, unsure of what to say. "Well can I join?.... No?.... Well I'm sorry, boys, but I just won't take no as an answer." I hissed.

    In an instant, one of the men pulled out a gun and aimed it. "But you will!" I shouted and used my telekinesis to knock the man out with his own gun.

    Before I could even blink, all the remaining three men began to charge at me. I simply smiled because I knew I could take them. They all lunged at me in an instant, but I punched one in the face and twisted around to kick another man in the stomach. I could've easily used my powers to just throw them across the alley, but I like to have my fun.

    Eventually I was down to one guy, so I punched him in his stomach and kicked him in his... No-no square. Once I had him on the ground, I had one of my boots pressed down hard on his chest to where he couldn't move. "Huh... I thought this would be more satisfying." I pouted.

    Suddenly, I felt something loop around my ankle. Before I knew it, I was yanked to the ground and fell straight on my butt. All I saw was a flash of red swing by me.

    I was so disoriented it took me a hot second to figure out what was even happening. Then I realized that the one and only Spider-Man had taken up my job.

    He rounded up all criminals with his webs and had them tied up. Before I could do anything else, several police cars pulled up. "Ah! The Amazing Spider-Man! Glad to see you, thanks a lot. This just made our job a lot easier!" One of the policemen said to him.

    It was all happening so fast, I could barely even think. Was this really happening? He's getting the credit for my hard-work? I was the one who knocked all these asswipes out!

    Soon, the police had driven off with their criminal catches of the day. Before little Spidey boy could swing off anywhere else I used my powers to push him against a wall of the alley. "Listen here, Bug Boy. You're not gonna just swoop in and take credit for what I do. I had that taken care of! Everything was under control! So don't you ever try pulling something like that again, unless you want to end up on your ass just like they did. Got it?"

    He was significantly taller than me, so I stared up at him with an evil eye until he said anything else. "Uh... Yeah. Sure." His voice high-pitched and shaky. I didn't expect this famous Avenger to become vulnerable that easy.

    I eyed him for a couple more seconds, still pinning him to the wall. Finally, I let go, dusted myself off, and walked away as if nothing happened.

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