Chapter 13: Final Chapter

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Ok so, I know what you're thinking, "WHAT?! FINAL CHAPTER?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" But I have to say that this is the final chapter of Book 1 :)

Book 2 will come out soon after but I can't guarantee that it'll be out within a week after this or so. Anyways, enjoy!!!

#Kittievampire is in.

Kuroni's POV

I wake up with a jolt, frantically looking around my room, forgetting where I was and freaking out a little.

Once I come to, I settle down, sighing in relief as I slowly swing my legs over the side of the bed. I raise my arms and stretch them over my head, my tentacles tugging out of my back and stretching themselves out as well.

I tirely get up and walk out of the 'door', walking into the living-room to see Sally dressing up BEN in a purple Tutu. I chuckle slightly.

BEN's face is red as he allows Sally to put jewelry all over him. "BEN, you look like a girl." I speak up, giggling a little.

BEN glared at me. "Shut up!"

I walk into the kitchen, hoping to get something edible. I open the fridge. I see kidneys and organs on the bottom... What the fuck??

Oh, here's some milk.. I grab it and put it on the counter. "Hey, can you pass me some kidneys?" A guys voice asks from behind me. I turn around to see a boy wearing a blue mask with black eye sockets facing me. "Uuhh... Sure.." I say, my tentacles slowly springing out of my back. The black tentacles grab two kidneys and they put them in his hands. "Oh, by the way, I'm Eyeless Jack. You can call me EJ if you like." He said walking away with the kidneys in his hands. EJ pulled off his mask a little just to start eating and those goddamn teeth! Like jeez, go to the dentist or something!

I look at the top of the fridge to see a bunch of cereal boxes. Fruity Pebbles, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Captain Crunch, Froot Loops, Honey Nut Cheerios, Honey Smacks, Trix, and more, you name it. I grab the Fruity Pebbles box and open it, pouring the cereal into a bowl I had on the table.

I pour in the milk and sit down, beginning to eat.

I was pretty much done with the bowl when I heard a loud bang outside of the mansion. It apparently alarmed the rest of the Creepypasta, since I heard the place go quiet. The Hell?

BEN looked down at Sally before going down that one hallway with the Slender brothers office in it. "Slendy!" I heard him call out. I got up and quickly followed him just to see Slenderman standing infront of him. "I heard it BEN." Slendy said. I am so confused right now.

"What's going on?!" I ask with slight worry in my confused voice. Slenderman looked down at me and stayed silent for a second before another loud bang was heard from outside. Immediately, he disappeared.

I looked at BEN. "Tell me what's going on." I tell him.

Another bang.

BEN quickly ran out of the hallway to alert the other Creepypasta. What the hell is going on?! Why would nobody tell me?!

I quickly run to the front door. I gulp. My tentacles slowly rise from inside my back, prepared for anything..

I slowly Twist the doorknob...

Slowly open it..

Just a little bit..



No that can't be right..

What the hell?

Out of no where I hear a raspy chuckle and a red eye appears staring at me right through the crack in the door.

I slam the door shut. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I gasp out, trying to process what just happened. Who the hell was that?!

"Kuroni, you can't go out there." I hear Zero's voice speak out from behind me. I turn around to see Zero holding her sledgehammer. "Why?! What's going on?! Will someone PLEASE tell me what the hell is happening?!"

Clockwork walked up to me. "Zalgo's men kidnapped you when you were a child... They died along the way thanks to Kuchisake-Onna and Jeffrey.. They've probably been revived by now to continue doing Zalgo's bidding, but you woke up and walked off.. They didn't know where you were. Zalgo might've come back for you.. His men at least.." She explained.

I look down.

Clockwork pushed me to the side as another loud bang was heard. "GIVE HER. NOW!" A voice echoed from outside, either Zalgo or one of his men...

The clock in her eye ticked faster as all the Creepypasta gathered up. The mansion's roof was torn off.

Jane looked at me. "Go! Hide in your room, Kuroni! Now!!!" She yelled. I glance over at the roof-less top of the mansion before running into the room.

I grab the panda bear plushy on the nightstand and squeeze it, curling up into a ball in the corner and shaking...

What the hell am I doing?

I should be helping them fight this guy...

Why am I here?

Why am I being so cowardly?

I can't stop shaking...


I can't think straight..

"Po.. Po..."

That noise..

I feel my tentacles bursting through my back again and let out a wince. There's more there than before..

My tentacles cover me as I hear the top of my room being torn off. "THERE YOU ARE, GRANDDAUGHTER." I hear Zalgo's voice echo in my ears. "SHAKING, SCARED... HOW PATHETIC."

I hear him continuing to taunt me as my tentacles wrap around me, forming a black ball.

"Po. Po. Po. Po. Po."

That damn noise!!

I felt Zalgo's huge hand reach for the ball of tentacles that surrounded me.

I made an opening, just big enough to where my silver eyes could peak through..

Slenderman had appeared and zapped his hand away with his tentacles. "DAMN, YOU MISTAKE OF A CHILD."

I see his hand going down on the both of us.

I look down, closing my eyes...

Is this it...?

Am I going to die here...?

Is this the end for me...?

I hear a loud bang..

I look through the gap...


Standing in her white dress and white straw hat, her long black hair flowing a little with the clash of her sheild and Zalgo's hand..




Hey guys!! This is the last and final chapter of Book: 1 of 'The Daughter Of Two Legends'! I will make another book if this book gets to 900 views!!

Until next time!



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