00: Orphaned

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A cold wind whistled through the night as Eloise Derwent rethought her life choices. She had just gotten her N.E.W.T. results and she was regretting ever picking Arithmancy. Her brother, Ben had goaded her into picking it by refusing to stop taunting her about how high his grades were, particulary in Arithmancy. She got her own back, however, as she was miles better at Muggle Studies than him. They were arguing next to the fire about favouritism when there was a knock at the door.

"Mother and Father aren't expecting anyone, are they?" Asked Ben.

"Not that I know of,"

The knocking resumed, only more louder and frantic this time. Despite this, neither parent came downstairs to investigate.

"I guess I'll answer it then."

Eloise pushed herself onto dead legs and stumbled to the door. She opened it and immediatley squealed, for standing right in front of her were none other than the head of The Department for Magical Law Enforcement (Torquil Travers), the Head Auror (Theseus Scamander) and a ton of other aurors. Eloise noted that, whilst Travers was seething with rage, Theseus didn't seem to reciprocate those feelings, at least, not as strongly. He pointed his wand at her.

"Search the house. We will not leave until Mr and Mrs Derwent have been located and comprimised."

"No! I won't let you."

Eloise was about to fire a spell but her wand was sent flying out of her hand by an auror whilst another one held her hands behind her back.


She turned to her brother only to find that he too was being held against his will.

"Why are you doing this?" He yelled at Theseus, voice thick with emotion.

"Gellert Grindelwald has escaped from MACUSA, " Said Travers, walking towards him, "To where, we do not know. What we do know is that your parents are supporters of him and, we hope, know where he is hiding from us."

"Found them!"

Two aurors apparated in front of them, each one holding a parent.



They wrestled out of the aurors' grip, ran to their children and hugged them extremely tight. Torquil Travers couldn't care less that he was tearing a family apart.

"Take them away."

The aurors grabbed the parents, dragging them away from their children. Eloise pushed herself free from the auror holding her back and grabbed her father's wrist.

"I don't want you to go! I love you."

"I love you too, El."

He kissed her head as her mother called to Ben.

"Take care of your sister. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He replied, voice cracking and tears falling.

Travers shoved Eloise away from her father before slamming the door in her face. The house became eerily quiet as she leant against the wall and wrapped her arms around her waist, the only sound being Ben's uncontrollable sniffing. She looked at her feet for a few minutes, thinking. Then she wiped a stray tear from her eye and looked at Ben, determination written all over her face.

"They won't get away with this."

She walked over to him, stood on her tiptoes, and wiped his tears. She then picked up her wand, took his hand in her own and, together, they apparated to the Ministry of Magic.

They appeared right in front of the fountain in the centre of the floo powder hall. Eloise spotted Theseus talking to someone and dragged Ben over to a fireplace. She placed a finger to her lips and peered out from the fireplace to listen.

"No. I don't want to - Theseus you know this isn't my - get someone else to -"

"There is no one else! Look, the aurors are all 'busy' and Travers is in a meeting. You're all I've got. Please. For me. I'll try and persuade them to rethink the travel ban, okay?"


Eloise watched as Theseus left the room for a moment, leaving the mysterious man alone and muttering about how he hated himself for agreeing to do it. Suddenly, Theseus returned with two bodies floating behind him. Eloise recognised them immediately. Without turning away, she felt around for Ben's hand and squeezed it, fearing what was to come. Theseus removed the spell from their parents and they hit the floor. Their mother was the first to get up.

"We'll start with you Bessie. Tell me where Grindelwald is hiding."


Eloise watched as the mystery man pointed his wand at her mother. Then he fired a spell. She pressed her head against her brother's neck as Bessie's screams filled the hall. Ben began to hyperventilate, tears rolling down his face. Eloise continued to squeeze his hand until the distinct and familiar sound of a dead body hitting the floor shocked her into dropping it. Upon looking over, she saw that the man that had killed their mother had placed a hand to his mouth and was shaking. Ben let out a whimper like he'd been shot and clapped a hand to his mouth.

"Sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay,"

Eloise glanced over again to where her mother's lifeless body lay only to find Theseus looking straight at her.

"On seconds thoughts, run!"

The two got up and ran from their hiding place. Angry, Theseus lashed out, firing a spell. It hit Eloise on the leg and she fell over. Blood pooled on her trouser leg at an alarming rate.


"El! I'm coming darling!"

Ben and her father ran to her. Ben got there first and pulled her arm around his shoulders, allowing her to get up. Her father was several steps away from her when there was a flash of green and he was suddenly on the floor, dead.


Eloise looked from her father to Theseus, completely scared. He was the last thing she saw before Ben apparated them away to the only place they had left that felt safe.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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