Chapter 1 - Escape

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"How the hell did he find us?" I yell to my best friends mia and Lilly.

"I don't know. I put one of the best security measures up. He shouldn't have been able too." Mia says. She's the computer genius of the group. She can hack into anything.

"It doesn't matter now. We need to leave before he comes to us." Lilly says handing us each a duffle bag.

"Lilly's right. Pack as much stuff as you can we leave in 20." I instruct them. Packing at least a weeks worth of clothes for me and my baby sister I grab her favorito stuffed bunny and put it in the bag.

"Sissy?" Emily asks waking up from a nap. "Were are we goin?" She asks rubbing her eyes.

"Hey em." I say picking up my lil sis "we have to go away for a while. But don't worry you'll like we're we're going." I tell her.

"Ok sissy." She says falling back asleep on my shoulder.

Picking up my duffle bag I head back out to meet up with Mia and Lilly.

"Alright I packed all our weapons and ammunition's and I managed to get us a private jet." Lilly says. "Alright let's head to the airport." I say walking out the door.

The private jet is nice. It's got a private room and everything. Your probably wondering how we afford this. Well being an assassin I eliminate a lot of people with a good bounty on there heads.

Laying Emily down on the bed and covering her up. I shut the windows and turn off the light and leave.

"I can't believe how that kid sleeps through everything." I'm says with a slight chuckle. "Ya she could sleep through a nuclear bomb." Lilly says.

4 hours later we arrive in Louisiana.

"Alright I set us up with fake names and ids on the jet. We can keep our first names but I've changed our last and wiped every trace of us." Mia says.

"I also I rolled all of us in school." She adds earning a grown from all of us.

"Why do we need to go to school?" Lilly asks pouting.

"Because I'm tired of doing homeschool and I want to interact with people." Mia says "besides em is starting kindergarten this year." She finishes.

"Ok but if I get expelled in the first week for kicking some thots ass don't say I didn't warn you." I tell her "I'll go wake up em." I say walking away.

"Emily hon wake up. We're here." I say rubbing her back. Yawning she gets up and sleepily raps her hands around my neck.

Carrying her out to the car Lilly drives us to our new house. We chose a nice mansion with tons of security.

And of course a pool cause we all love swimming

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And of course a pool cause we all love swimming. "Wo!" Emily shouts jumping off my lap and out of the car. "Tis looks like my Dolly's house!" She says jumping up and down in excitement.

The badass is an Assassin (discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora