Part 1

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I hated Christmas so much. Every year I dreaded it, having to sit down around the dinner table and pretend to be happy. I slapped a smile on my face for my family because I didn't want to ruin the day but I would much rather be at home, sat on the sofa and watching Netflix's. No one knew that I didn't like Christmas except for my boyfriend Tom.

Tom and I had been together for 2 years and every year he tried to convince me to enjoy the happiest time of the year. But every year he fails. This year though he had finally given in and decided to let us stay at home and not make a fuss. I was happy.

"Y/n, why don't you like Christmas?" Tom asked from the kitchen. See, he knows I don't like it, but I had never told him the reason. "Tom, I don't want to talk about it" I said carrying on watching 'Friends'. "Darling come on. We have been together for 2 years and you still haven't opened up to me. I'm kinda thinking you don't trust me" he said sadly as he sat next to me. I stopped the TV. I sighed. "Of course I trust you! It's just that I haven't told anyone. Not even my family" I whispered. "Please y/n. Tell me".

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