Chapter 20 (THE END?!)

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Six years later
         Toby and Dylan graduated  years ago. They had a nice life now no drama, great moms, and beautiful kids. Infact, Toby and Dylan moved into a beautiful home in the countryside. Harper and Serena of course cried when Dylan and Toby moved out of their houses. After both the boys moved out the moved in together near the boys.

Toby and Dylan would bring the kids over to see their grandmas all the time. Especially when they want private time (if you know what i mean😏😉). Oh i almost forgot to introduce y- "mommyyyyyy." Mio screamed throughout the house "mommy mommy daddy gonna get me ahhh." Mio screamed once again.

I felt a little body latch on to my leg. All the kids came running into the kitchen with Dylan running behind them. Mio snuggled into my leg some more. Zina and Jude came latching onto me as well. "Be careful i don't want my babies to be burnt."

"Dylan take them into the living room to watch cartoons please." "Anything baby come on little guys lets go." I can not explain how happy i have been with Dylan i have never felt this way before it is undescribable. I finished cooking and yelled for everyone to come and eat. Little Mio helped put out the dishes on the table even though he is the youngest he is the most helpful.

Dylan and I are planning on adopting him soon actually today. Yes, we do foster kids i have always wanted kids. Just because we don't have the same blood line doesn't mean we aren't family.  Jude was our first foster kid we got him three years ago and Adopted him a couple months later. Then our little Zina we got her two years ago and adopted her soon after we got her.

Then this year Dylan and I got married it was actually after we got Mio. He was really shy and didn't really know how to react. He is very tiny and he came from a abused family and he was scared when we got him. Mio would flinch everytime he would he someone yell or even if someone touched him. He would have nightmares he eventually opened up it's so sad how could someone hit this precious little boy.

Mio would sometimes have nightmares i would go and comfort him until he fell asleep. When i go to put him down he snuggles more into me and i take him to my bed. Dylan already knows I'm coming into the room with Mio in my arms. Dylan and I are excited to surprise little Mio with getting adopted tonight. This reminds me of how excited I was when i was getting married
"Mommy you look so pretty." little Zina gushed "aww thanks sweetie." "Mommy i want to be just like you." "Well your just as pretty my lovely you are the cutest flower girl ever." Zina giggled and went back to playing with her stuffed cat.

I saw Mio sitting in the corner in his little tux he had a little pout on his face he looked so adorable.  I walked over to him picking up my dress, so it wouldn't drag on the ground.  "Hey little buddy whats wrong."  Mio shyly looked away looking at his lap. "Do you wanna help me put on my makeup and help walk me down the aisle?"

Mio's head shot up and looked at my with a bright smile and excitement written all over if face. "Can i really?"
"Of course you can Mio." He gasped and displayed his toothy smile. "But as long as you keep that cute little smile on your face okay?" "Yes of course mommy."

I looked at him shocked it was his first time calling me mommy let alone speak more then two words to all of us. " u-um i-i im sowry i-" "look Mio it's okay you can call me mommy i was just shocked okay little Mio?" "U-uh u-um can i still do your makeup and walk you down the aisle?" Mio ask shyly "of course little Mio come on let go." We went over to the makeup station and i started to help Mio do my makeup.

My mom linked our arms and I held Mio hand. I took a deep breath "are you ready babyboy?" "Yeah mom i am." We walked down the aisle and got to the alter. My mom gave me away and i stood at the alter.

I felt something tug at my dress i saw the adorable little Mio. "Go stand over by Jude for now okay Mio." Mio shook his head and went to stand by Jude. After Dylan and I said our vows and we kissed Mio came running to me hugging my leg. I bent down a little and patted his head and ruffled his hair.

"Whats wrong Mio?" "I-i" Mio started to tear up and it broke my heart. "Hey don't cry come here." I embraced Mio in a bone crushing warm embrace. "I saw my other p-parents."

I pulled him into another hug "it's okay were here we won't let them hurt you baby."  I wiped away his tears. "Do you want to sit with me and D-" "yes yes i wanna sit with mommy and daddy."  Mio went silent i motioned for Dylan to come over here. Dylan came and squatted down and looked at me then Mio.

"Come here you two." Dylan said while bringing us into a hug. "family hug" Jude and Zina squealed running over to us. "F-family hug?" "Yes a family hug is were all of us go into a hug you, me, Jude, Zina, and Dylan all of us."
                *flash back over*
All of us were in the car the kids didn't know where we were going. We pulled up at the court house to file the adoption papers. "Omg it is happening Zina" Jude squeal hugging his sister. "W-whats happening mommy?" Mio said with a shaky voice bitting his lip.

"You will see little Mio." Mio started to cry as they approached the court house. 'they hate me and don't want me anymore' he thought. " no need to cry little Mio." I said and rubbed his back.

We made it up to the desk and filled out the papers and the social worker came. I felt little Mio's grip tighten on me and i felt him hug my leg tightly then he started to sob. "No i don't want you guys to leave me i love you guys noo don't take me away." I instantly knew what was happening he thought we were going to let him go back into the foster system and nodded my head. "Mio" the social worker said sweetly.

"Congratulations Mio you have found your forever home."  Mio looked up at me with his teary precious blue eyes. The social worker gave Dylan the paperwork to Dylan. "Y-you r-really a-adopted m-me?"  "Of course you have always been part of this family."

Mio jumped in my arms with a bright smile and tears rolling down his face. "Little Mio we have something for you." "Huh?" Dylan too out a box with wrapping paper on it and gave it to him. Mio opened the box his face was filled with excitement.

Mio took the  narwhal plushie and hugged it. "Thank you mommy and Daddy." "Aww your welcome." "Family hug?" "Family hug!" All of the kids and Dylan and me huddled together hugging and enjoying life. Life can not get better then this.

                   Authors note
Oh my God I can't believe this book is over I can always make a sequel but I don't know and ask for the Q&A I need questions in order to do it and that will be published once I get all the questions so remember I purple you

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