Chapter Twenty

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"Come on Knight, keep up," I smiled smugly.

He chuckled and cranked the speed on the treadmill up, "You're gonna regret taunting me Foxx."

I giggled, "Oh please, what could you possibly do?" After another two months I was back to myself, regular training sessions with Jason had become routine. It's been six months since Bryce got me out of that castle, and six months since I finally found my home.

He smiled and turned his treadmill off, hopping off and onto the stone. He calmly walked over to mine and started to crank the speed up. I started laughing as I tried to keep up with the spinning mat, "Ja-Jason stop-I'm gonna-" I tripped and fell onto the belt, getting launched off and landing with a thud on the hard stone, "Fall."

He laughed and came over, helping me up, "Sorry darling, but you asked for it."

I smiled and shook my head in mock disappointment, "You're lucky I love you."

Everything in the room seemed to freeze as my eyes widened, I didn't even realize I let it slip until it was too late, "Y-You love me?" He asked, his gaze wandering over my face.

"I didn't mean to be so blunt about it I-"

He quickly shut me up by kissing me, he pulled back and murmured against my lips, "I wanted to say it first."

I gave a small surprised laugh and pushed him away, "You scared me!"

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me before I could push him again, "Sorry Foxx, I couldn't register that you beat me to it."

I smiled up at him and leaned into kiss him once more until a surprised gasp interrupted it. Both of us turned our heads to see a wide-eyed Aria standing with her hand still on the doorknob that closed off the Training Quarters, "Holy-"

I shoved Jason away and stumbled backwards as Aria stood gaping at us, "Were you two kissing?"


Hey guys, sadly this will be the last chapter of Shard Seekers: The Lost Shard. I will write an epilogue and hopefully have that posted up within tonight so please don't go anywhere. Please vote comment and share! -Rose


~Written 12-27-18~

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