Sculpting Myself

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I envision myself predominantly Strong
I see as I stand, Head to toe
Dome smooth with eye-gazing waves
A soft nose, followed by moist lips
Good amount of chin hair
Neck as solid as my profound shoulders
Great posture, equally balanced
Right shoulder tatted
Biceps bigger than the grip of my hand
Eye catching veins pumping hard
Cruising down to the forearms
Left forearm tatted as well
Look at my muscular chest
Smooth strengthen pecks aligned by a 6-pack
Pound for Pound, visually earned
Sliding down to a slim structured waist
Whole package inbetween of course
Thighs muscularly sculpted from hard work
Front to back undeniable
Calves big and tamed by Iron
Walking head up by my unfolding Purpose
Walk with Kings, Never flee with peasants.

AwakenedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora