Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

[A/N]:More swearing and translations! Actually from this point forward there shall be swearing. Well there was swearing in the beginning but here's the warning. And to those newbies to hetalia reader inserts bella means beautiful in Italian..... on with the story!!!


     "Look what you did frog. It's all your fault (Name) is drunk!" Arthur snapped. "It not my fault she has lower liquor tolerance than you." Francis snapped back. "Well she's a 15 year-old girl her body isn't ready for that." Arthur yelled reaching for Francis' neck. "Feli~ Iggy~ Mattie~ Alfie~ Fran~ get over here and watch (favorite Disney movie) with me~." You moaned. Feli scurried over to couch to sit next to you. "Maybe she'll go to sleep faster if we do this." Matthew said. They all nodded and walked over to the couch. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was out of its ponytail. You were also cuddling with Feli and he was letting out a steady stream of 'Vehs.' Arthur got pissed off again. "Aww so cute!" Francis whispered. You looked up your big (e/c) eyes stared into Arthur's emerald eyes. 'Is there something on my face?' "You have really pretty eyes." You said. "T-thank you luv." He stuttered. "You have big eyebrows too but they suit you. It makes you even cuter~" You giggled.  He blushed.  You got up much to Feli's dismay. You hugged him pushing yourself against him. He was taller than you so you rubbed your head on his chest like a cat. He patted your head hesitantly. He felt like he was touching silk. He looked around his eyes locked on Feli's eyes. They were open. He had amber eyes that reflected nothing then they just glowed with pure hatred. He looked away started to mutter things in Italian. "Sit next to me!" You said. You returned to your spot next to Feli. He immediately snuggled up to you. Arthur sat down right next to you. The movie started to play.


       'Ahh this is nice! (Name) snuggling with me. If only we were alone we could doing something else other than watching a movie~. Ugh I'm getting ahead of myself. We can't do it until we're older or until were out of high school. Ahh it's going to be wonderful. To hear her sweet moans and mewls. Begging me to fuck her. I have to stop. I'm getting Hornier by the second.' You put your head on his lap. "Um bella what are you doing?" He asked. "Lying my head down on your lap tesoro (sweetheart)~."You said cheekily. He blushed a rose red. 'SHE CALLED ME SWEETHEART IN ITALIAN! OH SHE LOVES ME!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!! Ok calm down Feli you just have to see if she remembers tomorrow and confess with the ring.' He thought darkly.             

      He started to pet your hair like you were a cat. 'Ahh~ her hair feels like silk~.' Feli thought. "Umm Feli?" You asked. "Oh Mi dispiace (I'm sorry) bella, I'll stop." Feli apologized. "No it's ok. It actually really calming." You said sounding a bit sleepy. He  stroking your (h/l) (h/c) hair. He hit a spot and you mewled. "Are you ok?" Feli said. "I-it's just mmms." She tried to hold back a quiet moan. But Feli heard it. He started to stroke that spot hard.


    'What's happening to me?  But it feels good.' You thought. He was driving you crazy. "F-Feli stop mmm" you moaned out. He started to stroke that spot harder. You put a hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. "Feliciano stop~" you whispered. "What bella does it hurt?~" Feli asked innocently. You turned your big (e/c) eyes up at him. "Feliciano please stop." You pleaded. "fine." He sighed. He went back to stroking your hair.  'Thank god he stopped'  you thought. You soon drifted off to dream land


     'But I wanted to tease you a bit longer. At least I found an erogenous zone. Can't wait to put into use. Her mewls are so cute. Everything about her is cute. I really hope she remembers.'  You flipped on your back. You were asleep. You were like an angel. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was sprawled out in ever direction.  Your (s/c) was flawless. He didn't realize that your eyelashes were naturally black and they curled up. Your (pink or red) lips were open slightly. He was mesmerized by your beauty. It was like he fell in love all over again. '(Name) is so perfect. She's my princess, my soul mate. Why do I have to share you with the rest of the world? I want to steal you away but I know that would make you unhappy.  I HATE SEEING YOU WITH OTHER GUYS !! I SHOULD BE THE ONLY ONE THAT SHE CARES ABOUT!!! I have to calm down. I just need to give her gift.'  "(Name)'s asleep." Arthur said. No one heard him except Feli. The  F.a.c.e. family were too entranced by the movie. "I'll take (Name) to her room." Feli said. "Uh yeah." Feli picked you up bridal style. He went to your room and placed you on your (f/c) bed. Before he could leave you woke up. "(Name)" Feli said hesitantly. You didn't seem to hear him. "Oh it's time to go to sleep. I need to put my pajamas on." You yawned.  You walked into your closet. You got out with a cream nightgown it looked super short. You started to undress right in front of him

[A/N]: Wow (Name)-chan is just out of it. But Feli doesn't seem to mind. Arthur will be in the next chapter. There shall be lemony/lime goodness. It will be my first lemon. So my inner pervert will hopefully come out to help me.

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