When Did You Care?

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 Angst. Fighting. Sorry. Oof this'll be sad.

No One's POV:

"Jay? Have you ever thought about how it feels like to be the ocean?"

He heard the other boy giggle and look over at Cole. Both were sitting next to each other near the sea since it was their day off. Also, usually when they had time for themselves they'd go there. As soon as the dark haired boy looked at the brunette he felt himself just fall apart. God he was just so cute.

"No I haven't. But that's a good idea to think about. Why'd you ask though?"

"I was just thinking how it felt like since the moon affects the tides and at some point the moon actually reaches down so close to the Earth. Where the waves try to reach it but it's in vain. Since, it'll never reach it since it's out of it's out it's reach."

The freckled boy then gave him slight nudge on the shoulder. It's cool the way you put it. You sounded like you really understand it.

Cole then averted his eyes in another direction and gave a chuckle.

"Heh, yeah."

"Tag you're it!" Jay yelled, tagging Cole before running off in the sand and towards the ocean. Cole quickly stood up and ran after him.

Both laughing, yelled playful taunts at each other.

Like: I'm too fast for you aren't I?


Don't count on it Zaptrap!

The raven haired male sped up to catch up with the blue clothed ninja. Jay saw this coming and started increasing speed. This went on for a while until eventually. "Hey, you're not going to get away that easily Zaptrap!" Jay stopped and Cole crashed into him. Both falling over in the process.

Both had closed their eyes waiting to hear the thump on the ground. When Jay opened his eyes, they met with Cole's who were looking down at him. Both started blushing. Then suddenly Cole said, "You have stars on your face."

"What?" Jay asked confused.

"Your freckles. They remind me of stars scattered in the night sky." This caused Jay to blush even more and give a nervous laugh. Cole then realized what position they were in and what he said.

"Oh god! Jay I'm so sorry!"

Cole instantly got up and covered his face. Feeling his face hot with embarassment and heat. He felt Jay's hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay! It can uhh... Happen to anyone. But.." Jay could feel his face going redder by the second. Cole looked at the ground then at the sunset, "It was really sudden wasn't it? I don't want this to changs the way you think about us. As friends of course."

"Yeah that's it! Hehe.." Both just stared at the ground awkwardly for a while.

"Hey let's go to Skylor's noodle shop, yeah?" Jay said standing up and ready to go.  Cole, still being a bit in shock by what had just happened whispered to himself, "Yeah sure."

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