1st stop

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(sorry this is my first time writing this trust me ill get  better) I hope u enjoy

" Wassup my name is y/n. I was born November 11 2000 I was raised in Harlem New York for the beging four years of my life until the night that changed my life for ever happened, after that I moved to the Bronx and became a bronx boogie. Im a beautiful mixed race women of Puerto Rican, Black and Spaniard decent. For most of my life its just been me and mom oh and my cat toothless, The three of us together is what I call family and all I have." I finished my short biography of how it all began and the interviewer suddenly noticed something was up. I looked down avoiding eye contact but the predatory feeling of being stared at sent chills up my spine mostly because i knew it wasn't coming from her. I look at her and I was right her make up was getting done and her eyes were closed and relaxed. in the studio was just me the interviewer, two make up artists, and 3 camera men and yet I feel something over me. could it be? is this just another case of anxiety? is the thing back to get me?  I shrug my shoulders and shake the feeling away, its probably another case of anxiety I say to my self "I'm ok, I'm ok". and I rest my eyes.

 Then the thing I needed the least happened a scream from one of the artist made me jolt up in fear. I was just thinking the thing that scares me the most, and this lady decides to have the worst timing. I turn around to who she's looking at and I immediately got up it was my best friend Shawn I ran towards him with a gigantic hug but just inches away a group of teenage girls and boys parted us in seconds. Shawn is a big deal he's a really great singer and songwriter, and a perfect bsf. Finally the crowds disappear and its just me and Shawn we hadn't  seen each other in about 3 months except for when our tour dates intersected or through ft. Something felt different I think it was the vibe, the vibe was off. Shawn noticed it too he looked at me and asked "are you ok? I know its been a while but I'm here and I really really missed you" I thought to myself so I'm what's off. I say "I know missed you too" as I slowly step away giving him a smirk. the interviewer continues her questions all of them were a breeze to answer but there was one that stuck with me "your called americas renaissance, why do you think your the only one?" i answered it, but was my answer right?

  i left the studio with Shawn and we headed straight one of my best friends house James, James I must admit is the queen of the squad he has a mass subscription on YouTube, a palate with the infamous brand Morphe, can sing, and truly is my sister. before we walk up the drive way Shawn stops me and hands me a blind fold, he tells me to put the blind fold on until he tells me to take it off so I did as he told me. He guides me on my way there, the whole time i'm wondering what could these two be planing, it would make sense if it was a welcome home party because I've been all over the world for about a year. I hear a voice telling me to take the blind fold off, I don't listen because it wasn't Shawn but in fact Ethan I knew him and Grayson since we were babies. Ethan repeats take the blind fold off I still don't imply. Grayson gets why I'm not listening I hear him whisper to Shawn "tell her to take off the blindfold" Shawn blurts out "oh sorry take of the blind fold" I do and I open my eyes to my California family there was the twins, James, Shawn, harry and my manager and producers. I was so happy to them out of all of my my friendships I loved these like blood. I started crying they really did a welcome home party for me. But ofc I have to ruin the mood with my past, I started crying and thoughts that kept repeating was life was never ever like this.

I did have good times back when no one knew me but its reliving now that everyone knew me it felt good to have people that see more than just you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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