Jaehee's Birthday!!!

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Today is the day they shall action out their plan. They will make this day special for her. Sure, one specific trust fund kid is still bitter with her and her partner and is not participating in this plan but, he has let his intern-in-training take the day off surprisingly. But, right now their focus is her and making this day special. Today is Jaehee's Birthday.

5:00 A.M

MC wakes up, Jaehee asleep beside her with her hair scattered all over her pillow. MC smiles at her beautiful and hardworking partner, "Jaehee, I'm gonna go and prepare first and open up the cafe, k? Sleep in for the both of us for me." MC whispers to her asleep partner, even if she obviously won't hear it. But, as if she heard what MC said, Jaehee groaned in response as she shifted in her sleep to be in a more comfortable position. MC simply smiled and got up. She then started her normal morning routine. Cook, Breakfast, Save the rest for Jaehee, Bath, Change, get out and open up the cafe.

6:00 A.M

Time to start preparing for today's work. By today's work, I mean making today as special as possible. I mean, she and the other RFA members have planning this for 2 weeks! They can do this! *Ding* They're here! MC turned and saw all the RFA members, with the exception of Mr. Corporate Heir. "Good Morning, MC!~" The Albino greeted. "Morning!" Seven & Yoosung greeted smiling brightly. V simply waves. Searan just stands there awkwardly, "Morning" He mutters. "Now that everyone is here, does everyone remember the plan?" MC asked the group. Seven and Yoosung said "Yes!" very enthusiastically, Zen and V replied with a simple yes, and Searan simply nodded. "Yosh! Now, let's make this day one of the best days of Jaehee''s life!" MC yelled. "FOR JAEHEE!" They all yelled in excitement and encouragement, while Searan just whispered it, still feeling a bit awkward. "What about me?" A voice suddenly said. They all turned and saw the said brunette that was called 'Jaehee'. "And what's everyone doing here so early? I didn't even know they were coming" Jaehee said, crossing her arms. "O,Oh! nothing, just came by to say hi a,and-" "And to eat breakfast here!" Yoosung quickly said. They all nodded their heads in haste and hope Jaehee will dismiss their weird behavior and just let it slide. "Hmmm, alright. I'll believe that for now." She said, uncrossing her arms and walking towards the kitchen at the back.

Once they made sure she was gone and couldn't hear them, they sighed in relief, "Phew that was close" Seven stated the obvious. "But, we got away so, that's good" Yoosung said. They all agreed and decided to place their orders and sit and relax. MC then went to the kitchen to give Jaehee their orders and help her with the cooking. "So, Pancakes with Maple Syrup for Seven, Searan and Yoosung and Coffee for Zen and V." MC said as she started to help Jaehee take the ingredients out.

After laying out all the ingredients, MC turned the radio on and catchy music started filling the kitchen. "Ooh, catchy~" MC commented as she started to dance to the beat a bit. Jaehee chuckled at her partner's antics. "Oh, MC'' She said as she shook her head, smiling. "What? Not my fault they decided to play a tune this catchy in this beautiful morning." MC said shrugging as she started to fix up the batter for those pancakes. Jaehee followed suit and started brewing the coffee. 5 minutes later, the catchy tune started to become catchier. This gave MC an idea, she smirked a bit as she shifted her eyes onto the brunette female beside her, who had just finished brewing the coffee. She turned to Jaehee and held out her hand, "May I have this dance?" MC asked, bowing slightly. Jaehee simply laughed, took MC's hand and said, Sure, why not".

The two started to dance, laughing as they danced in really random ways that some moves don't even match the beat of the music. Soon, the song ended. Even so, the girls were still laughing. "Hahahahaha, m,maybe we should, hahaha, get back to work" Jaehee suggested, still on her laughter high. MC agreed and soon enough they finished before 7 o' clock came.

Plan 'Happy Birthday, Jaehee!' is a Go! - Jaehee x Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now