Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

Blaze awakes moaning. She returns to her human form with Cliff carrying her on his back. "Where am I?!" She screams,"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!WHY IS THERE A CLEAR BLUE WOLF AND SAGE CHASING ME, WHILE IM LAYING ON A BEAR??!!!!!" She flails around and falls down off Cliff. She tumbles and they skid to a stop.

"Are you okay?" Sage asks as runs over to Blaze. The girl lies there with a dazed and confused look on her face. Cliff and River turn back into humans and walk over. "WHAT?!!!" Blaze exclaims,"YOURE ANIMALS?" "You forgot?" River says worriedly. "Don't you remember?" Cliff says looking panicked. "No," Blaze sighs. "RAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sage screams. They all swivel they're heads quickly to look at him. Brownish green feathers begin to grow in place of his arms. His shoes burst open and great big talons grow on his feet. A beak forms on his face and he gets a little bit smaller in size. In place of Sage is a large hawk. "Whoaaaaaaa." He says,"THIS IS SO COOL!" Blaze stares at him terrified and she says, "THATS SCARY!!!!!!WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" "I-I-I guess that I'm the same way as them and YOU," he says with a small smile.

"Wait......," Blaze says," WAIT I CAN DO IT TOO?" She screams. "Yeah," says River,"Try it." "Okay, I'll try!" Blaze thinks hard about being an animal and....


She growls a ground shaking roar. "I remember!" She mews," I REMEBER!!" The team cheers. Just then there's a high pitched scream from the east side if the forest. The team runs.

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