1 - Getting the room

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A/N - Hi! As i said in the description , this is my first fanfiction and might now be great because of that. However, i am open to constructive critisizm and am doing my best to reveiw my chapters before publishing . However this also means that the chapters will likely be quite short but i will try to post often. Have fun!

"Rooms 207 , 214 and 301, each have two double beds. Who wants wich?" Joven asked, brandishing the hotel room keys that he had just got from reception.
"Dont you think your jumping the gun little? First we should decide whos with who," Wes reminded him while chewing on his last twizzler from his vast sellection of road trip sweets. Mari barely missed a beet before she grabbed a random key and anounced " as much as love you dudes,hotel rooms are cramped and sharing with a guy will just become awkward so Boz and I are sharing and thats finale."
No one protested as it made scence that the two girls would go together. Before any of them knew it, both Boze and Mari where halway across the loby and Boze was turning back to tell the others to text them when they were going to start filming.
When they arived at the elavators, they were already open, so the two girls hauled their suitcases through the metal doors. It was only when Boze reached for the floor buttons that she reaied neither of them had actually checked to see wich room they took.
Laughing , she looked towards the confused Mari standng im the lift next to her.
"It seems that while we were both distracted by your out burst of dominnce, we forgot to actually check wich room you grabbed!" she explained, half heartedly mocking Mari's way of asking ,well more like telling, the others that the two of them would be sharing.
"Ha! Oh yeh sorry," she chuckled looking at the card in her hand searching for the number on it, " 207."
Once the button had been pressed the two stood in a calm scilence, glad for the peace after the 4 hour road trip. Mari couldnt help but wonder what Boze had meant saying that she had been "distracted by your out burst of dominance"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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