The Motivation Behind Your Actions

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This story is to give some insight into Gavin's backstory and the reason as to why he acts the way he does. This story will open the door for me to create more Connor/Gavin with his hatred for androids out of the way.

Hope you enjoy! :)


After the deviant revolution not much changed in Connor's everyday activities. He was taken off the police force for about three days directly after Markus had won but it was only to sort out the paperwork and logistics of Connor working for the Detroit police. After that small hiccup things had returned to normal. Connor worked as Hank's partner once again but he was now making his own decisions as he saw fit.

Android property ownership started to become a controversial topic for news channels to discuss but regardless of the media, Connor moved in with Hank. Hank had offered and Connor had agreed to it as not only did it aid investigations but it also meant he could look after Hank's health. Connor really enjoyed Hank's company, he might even say it was one of the first emotions he was able to fully identify as he felt it so frequently.

Becoming deviant was like becoming an infant in a way for Connor. There was suddenly just so much he didn't understand and couldn't fully grasp. Connor had mostly had good experiences with his new emotions until full a week into his deviancy when the front of the police building had been vandalised with anti-android writing and posters.

The morning had started off like any other: Exit standby mode. Make breakfast. Put the coffee on. Feed Sumo. Wake up the Lieutenant. Connor liked schedules, it meant he used less processing power. On the drive to the police department office, Hank blared his heavy metal music and tapped his fingers to the rhythm. Connor found this interesting to analyse. Human idiosyncrasies differed from case to case. They were unique and also set people apart from one another.

Connor's observations told him that Hank's tapping was an action caused by his liking for the music playing, however, the tapping did not achieve anything substantial. It did not create a loud enough noise to match the song playing, it never matched up perfectly and yet Hank's stress levels lowered when he tapped along to his music. Connor enjoyed analysing Hank because he did things that didn't make sense.

However, Connor's enjoyment that morning was short lived as soon as they pulled up to their destination Connor's emotions turned... unpleasant. He didn't know how to describe his feelings. The vandalism on the police building's walls was undeniably aimed at Connor and his involvement in the police force. After Markus won the revolution Connor and Hank's relationship was put under the spotlight. The news channels had taken to it like mice to cheese.

'Detroit Lieutenant and Police Android pair mark the future for the Android workforce.'

'A perfect example of an Android and Human working together'

However, with the added publicity to their set up, a metaphorical red target had been painted on their backs for the anti-android community that wanted to be heard.

There was a crowd outside the building along with the graffiti. It seemed as though it had been a coordinated effort by the android hating community. Groups of people stood with signs with anti-android symbols and slogans. Connor's LED flashed red at the scene before him. Hank noticed the colour change from the car's side mirror but didn't say anything about it. Instead, he told Connor to wait where he was while he tried to sort out the situation.

Hank got out of the antique car and walked over to the mob of people just barely being contained by a half a dozen or so officers. Surprising to Hank, Connor listened to what he had been ordered and didn't follow him out of the car.

The Motivation Behind Your Actions (Connor x Gavin)Where stories live. Discover now