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Stefan finally drank blood and came out of the cell, and things were starting to get normal. Nothing huge happened the past few days, but I wasn't mad about it. I went to school and went straight to the Salvatores, and that was it.

But for some reason I just felt completely empty. More than I had before coming here. Elena was starting to find out about our birth mother Isobel, and I didn't even care. I mean, I already met the woman.

I was at the Grill right now, drunk. Forget sobriety, I got sober just because I thought I was too drunk too remember what happened to Sophie, or anything else before that. I didn't even care anymore.

"Hey." A guy much more drunk than me said, sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes. "You're Elena's sister, right?"


I walked out of the grill, and texted Elena. He looked like one of those vampires from the tomb. "Where do you think your going?" The guy said behind me. I started running for the church. He sped up to me in mere seconds. I was right about him.

I checked my phone and Elena texted. I told Stefan. We're coming.

Please hurry. He grabbed me and pulled me to an alley. "They said don't kill her. But you've all been killing our friends. So it's my turn."

I screamed as he dug his teeth into my neck. I was trying to break away from him but at the same time maybe I shouldn't. I wanted these feelings of emptiness to end.

But I saw a silhouette that looked like Damon from afar, and I called out to him. "D-Damon." My voice cracked, and not even a moment later I fell to the ground.

I groaned. He killed the vampire, and knelt next to me. "Here, take my blood." He smiled.

"Thanks." I said as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"Oh my god. Isabella! Thank goodness you're okay."

I had a headache. I forced a smile.
"I..I have something to say, or rather, a few things." I said after drinking Bourbon straight from the bottle.
"Uncle John. He's our dad. I met him a few years ago. He paid for my tuition in boarding school."

Elena's face changed. "Oh.I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't think it was important. And Isobel, she never wanted us."
Damon stood there looking at me like I was being irrational.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me that you already MET our mother! How could you hide this from me? I thought we would tell eachother everything." Elena cried. I rolled my eyes.

She snatched the bottle from me, and put it on the table. "And you were sober. What happened?"

"I thought you said you didn't care about her? She turned into a vampire and abandoned us and Alaric! What type of person wants that woman for a mother?" I said annoyed.

"You just wanted to be selfish. You already met her so why should I? That wasn't up to you to decide or even hide from me, okay? Just get out." Elena sighed as she rubbed her temples.

Elena's phone started ringing, and she picked up. "Hello..? Oh, oh my god, I'll be there right away."

She hung up, and I looked at Damon confused. "I need to go to the hospital, Caroline, Matt, and Tyler got in a car accident."

We all went and I sat there quietly, with Damon. "Why did you tell her all that?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I sighed.

Caroline had a surgery, and Damon gave her his blood and was going to be okay.

Me and Elena got in an argument again, and I left the hospital.

"You know what? I've been drinking because I'm tired of this. All of it! I feel so empty and depressed and it's disgusting! I'm leaving, and I might not come back, so don't worry about me." I yelled, slamming the door behind me.

I was just walking along the main road leaving Mystic Falls. I had called Elijah to come get me, so he was probably coming soon.

I started crying, out of the blue. I missed Elena, Jenna, and Jeremy. All of us just together and happy...Caroline was at the hospital, I almost died yesterday because I did something STUPID, Bonnie lost her Grandma all because of a stupid spell, everything was just bad...

I dialed Elena's number but it went straight to voicemail. I sighed. "I wish I'd just die." I sobbed as I dropped my phone. Why was I such a clutz?
"Well, it's your lucky day." A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Elena. I was confused and dizzy. But I was sure it was her.

"Sweet dreams." She smirked, and then sped up to me. I felt a horrible pain, and everything went blank.

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