Chapter 19 - Day 19

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Dear Everyone,

Slowly figures around me began to move, with a feel of as if nothing had happened in the last few minutes. I walk slowly back to the others glancing up every so often glancing up as if i had seen something; but only to find more people dancing.

But there are three people who could make sense of it all, and were trusted with my secret!

"Freya, what's wrong?" they asked as I finally reached them, looking into all of their faces you could see all the loyalty and trust.

"I... just... saw... my... great gran!" I said realising the pendant around my neck, "It was real!" surprise strong in my voice.

"Freya, what are you talking?" Iona asked quickly reaching me and grabbing my arm to steer me towards an empty chair.

"Can you all stay after the party finishes?" I ask slowly getting up as my brain began to ease and surveying their face until each nodded silently and looked at each other.

"Ok, I'll explain everything later!" I say before leaving.

Author's Note:

Ok so I'm sorry it was slightly short after the previous chapter but it needed to end there! Ok enjoy and don't forget to VOTE!!!


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