❝Hey Stranger ❞

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Elio x Oliver - 2 years later
Elio and Oliver reunite again after two years of occasional calls and letters.
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The heavy footsteps of people, people talking in shouting. Normal things you would hear at an airports.

But, Elio can't hear any of that, he's too focused on thinking about Oliver.

It's been two years since he saw him last, he wonders if he's still the same or different.

Elio snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the muffled announcement.

"Boarding for Alitalia flight to JFK is now boarding"

Elio jumped out of his seat, he's going to see Oliver, it wasn't the same with writing letters and the occasional call, he's seeing him in person.

Elio boarded his flight, all he could do was listen to music that connected with Oliver.

He then dozed off thinking about how strong Oliver was and how he always says that stupid word "later."

Finally the plane landed and Elio woke up from his nap.

He's here.

He's in New York.

He's going to see Oliver.

When Elio grabbed his small suitcase he ran to try and get a cab, Oliver gave him his address.

"Hey stranger"

Elio nearly died.

The familiar deep voice echoed in his ears.

His heart was beating fast.

"Oliver!" Elio shouted and dropped his luggage on the ground to hug Oliver.

Oliver returned his hug by wrapping his arms around his waist.

Elio missed this so much.

"I missed you so much." Elio chocked our, trying now to cry.

"I missed you too, i wish i could've come to Crema, but i was too busy."

"It's fine, but please, let's not wait two years to see each other again, waiting that long was torture!"

"Ok fine i promise," Oliver laughed, then stopped to whisper "Oliver."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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ARMIE X TIMOTHEÉ + OLIVER X ELIO &gt;ONE-SHOTS&lt;Where stories live. Discover now