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Authors Note please read

Usually I'd do this at the end but I need to explain myself and warn y'all

Warning: this book is low-key gross but mostly just weird tbh. I tried to make it funny bc I'm too soft to genuinely make one of those gross ass book (ex. The lung fic, the hat fic, the mfing backpack fic, etc) it's not as bad as those tbh

Also if you've never read my stuff before I promise I usually don't write stuff like this, I keep it pg

I wouldn't even read this tbh but if you do, have fun ig

You're welcome, after a long wait enjoy iirvxn

Brendon loves nostrils. He thought they were so sexy and he couldn't lie, the only time he could get off during sex is while looking at his boyfriend Dallons nostrils. He just loved them so much. This day specifically his urge to fuck nostrils was so strong that he just needed to do something about it.

Brendon walked upstairs to the house that him and Dallon had shared. Dallon was in their bedroom, playing his bass. Not for long though. Brendon slowly opened the door, peaking his head inside. Dallon stops, and looks up when he noticed the presence of his lover. "Hey baby." Dallon says, a soft smile on his face. "Mm hi honey." Brendon says, and the thought of Dallons nostrils was already getting Brendon going if you're catching what I'm throwing ;) aka hard pp. Brendon stayed hid behind the door so Dallon wouldn't notice just yet. "What's up?" Dallon asks and Brendon licks his lips. "Can- can you tilt your head back for me?" Brendon asks and a look of confusion washes over Dallons features. "Why?" He asks and Brendon bytes his lip.

"Just do it." He says and Dallon, still confused, leaned his head back, giving Brendon a perfect view of his nostrils. Brendon almost moaned aloud but didn't because he's sneaky like that. "Fuck that's hot.." Brendon mumbles and Dallon leans his head back up, furrowing his eyebrows at Brendon, confused. "What?" Dallon asks, not sure if he heard him right. "Your nostrils." Brendon says, making Dallon even more confused. "Huh?" He says, unsure of Brendon was being serious. Brendon steps into the room, and unlike he had thought he would, Dallon didn't even notice the bulge in his pants because Dallon, a gentleman, wasn't staring at his peepee. Brendon was not staring at his boyfriends pp, but his nostrils. Would that make him a gentleman too? Brendon wasn't sure. Didn't care too much either. Brendon sits on Dallons lap, straddling him. "My nostrils?" Dallon laughs. Clearly that had to be a joke right? Sadly you're wrong Dallon. So wrong. "Mm, yeah. So sexy." Brendon says lowly and Dallon just stared at him, confused and kinda scared tbh.

Were his nostrils in danger? He wasn't sure. "I-I, Brendon I really can't tell if you're being serious right now." Dallon says uneasily laughing softly and Brendon laughs, licking down Dallons nose, causing the taller boy to shudder. Then Brendon stuck his tongue up Dallons nose. Not cool. Dallon quickly pulled away with wide eyes and Brendon frowns. "C'mon baby." Brendon whines and Dallon furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait you're actually serious about this? You aren't joking?" Dallon asks and Brendon shakes his head. "What the fuck." Dallon says and Brendon frowns.

"I'm sorry Brendon but, you sticking your tongue up my nose is weird I can't." Dallon says and Brendon pulls him in for a quick kiss b4 pressing his body to Dallons and whispering in his ear "It doesn't have to be my tongue babe." and then looked at Dallon to see his response and winked just to be dramatic. "Your fingers aren't going up there either. That's weird baby. I'm sorry." Dallon says. "You can look at them if that gets you off in some weird way but.." Dallon says and Brendon smirks. "Tsk tsk, Dally. So clueless." Brendon says and bites his lip. "What?" Dallon says, not liking the mischievous undertone to the words the forehead had spoken. "I want to fuck them." Brendon says and Dallon was sure he couldn't be being serious right now.

"Like with your..?" Dallon trails off. "Dick, yes. What else?" Brendon asks and an uneasy feeling set in Dallons stomach. Is his boyfriend going insane? Fuck his nostrils? What kind of drugs is he on now? "Love, your dick wouldn't fit in my nostrils.." Dallon says and Brendon rubs his hands down Dals chest. "Please, I can make it." Brendon says grinding his hips causing his boyfriend to moan. "Fine fine okay, will that make you happy?" Dallon says and Brendon quickly nods. Of course it would. This is all he get wanted. "How is this gonna work?" Dallon asks. "Lay down on your back." Brendon demands and Dallon nods, slowly laying back. Dallon couldn't lie, was was scared but also kinda curious.

Why did his boyfriend like nostrils so much? Has he always been like this? Or did he just smoke too much weed laced with cocaine again? Dallon couldn't tell, but the last option was more likely than you'd think. He also didn't think Brendon would genuinely be able to get his dick in one of his nostrils. "Ready baby?" Brendon asks and Dallon wasn't really into this, he just wanted to play bass tbh but whatever. "I guess, if it hurts too much I'm throwing you." Dallon says and Brendon just winks. "pp." Brendon replies and then proceeds to stick his (pp)enis in Dallons nostril. Surprisingly it didn't hurt so Dallon was chill with it.

He just had really big nostrils. Or maybe Brendon just had a really skinny dick, who knows. The possibilities are endless. Suddenly Dallon had a strong urge to sneeze. He didn't want to, so he tried to hold it in, but sadly sneaky sneezes just don't work like that. Dallon sneezed causing Brendon ppenis to fly out. Dallon watched, shocked as his boyfriends dick bounced off the window and fell to the ground. "My dick!" Brendon yells and Dallon stared with wide eyes. Brendon could feel anger building up as he pours. "How am I supposed to exist without my dick?" Brendon asks and Dallon still just stared, shocked. "You're bleeding, we should collect your dick and go to the hospital." Dallon says and Brendon shakes his head.

"Oh no, no, I'm not done with you yet." Brendon say and Dallon sighs. "My nostrils did nothing to deserve this to be honest bb." Dallon says and Brendon shrugs. "Love you dal." He says and then inserts his whole body into Dallons nostril, exiting through the boys mouth. It had obviously killed him and Brendon was like oh no fuck this, and then he exploded bc big angry at his loss of penis and he was big sad bc he killed his boyfriend. The whole neighborhood caught fire and the story of the nostrils lives on to this day. In conclusion, don't fuck nostrils bc your pp will get sneezed off.

The end.

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