My Long Locker

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Every time I go to school
I see my long locker. It's
long, tall, skinny, and my
backpack doesn't fit.
When I get my backpack
in my locker, I say "Yes,
I'm done." When I realize,
my book is in my back-
pack. I try to pull my
backpack out, but it
doesn't seem to work.
I finally get it out and
realize my book is at
home. I squeeze my
backpack in, close the
door, and lock it. When
I realize I forgot to put
my jacket in my locker.
I unlocked my locker,
put my jacket in, and
shut my locker. I get
to class and see every-
one with their jackets
and backpacks. Then
I realize that it's Field
Trip Day. Going back
to my locker.

*I wrote this one in sixth grade for my language arts class. It doesn't really sound like a poem, but trust me, it is. It's called a Concrete Poem. Basically, the poem is in the shape of what the poem is about. My poem is about a locker so it is meant to look like a locker. But really it looks like a tall rectangle. One great thing about Concrete Poems is that you don't have to rhyme. This is probably one of my favorite poems. Plus my other ones from sixth grade are just weird hahaha.

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