Chapter One

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Chapter One

            “I can’t do this anymore!”

            I looked up from my book and rolled my eyes.  “Peter,” I began.

            “No, Wendy, I honestly can’t do this anymore,” he said, glaring at the book in front of him and slamming it shut.  “I don’t know what it’s saying.”

            I rubbed my forehead and stood up, looking over Peter’s shoulder.  “Read it aloud to me,” I ordered.

            “I can’t!” he exclaimed.  “Wendy, I can’t read!”

            “Well, you won’t be able to if you don’t try,” I said with an enormous amount of ‘duh’ in my voice.  “Try and read it to me.”

            He squinted at the page.  “The...” he began.

            “Yes, that’s right,” I said.

            “Cat,” he continued.

            “Correct,” I encouraged.




            “You’re doing great Peter.”

            “The street,” he finished triumphantly.

            “See, you’re doing fine,” I said with a smile, turning back to my book.  “What I don’t understand is this weird thing they call technology.  What the bloody hell is an iphone?”

            Peter looked over my shoulder and shuddered.  “There are so many words,” he said.

            “You want to try and read them?” I asked.

            He shook his head feverously, and I looked back at the page.  Peter and I were preparing to go into the future, which, unfortunately, was taking months.  Lilianna was bringing us books from the future so that we could familiarize ourselves with the technology and culture in the twenty first century.  I was shocked about how much things had changed from the nineteenth century to the twenty first, but I was also a little bit excited to go and experience it for myself.

            I heard footsteps and looked up from my book.  My father, Captain Hook stood at the door.  I smiled at him, and he returned the grin.

            “Hook, thank God you are here, liberate me from this odious task, I beg of you,” Peter pleaded dramatically.

            I rolled my eyes.  “For someone who can barely read, you do have an extensive vocabulary,” I pointed out.

            “I get it from associating with you,” he said with a smirk.  I resisted the urge to kiss that smirk off his face.

            Hook shook his head as if he knew what I was thinking and walked over to me.  “How are you love?”

            “Tired,” I said, showing him the book I’d been reading.  “All this ‘preparing for the future’ is wearing me out.”

            “Sorry love,” he said with an apologetic grin.  “It’s about to get worse.”

            My body hit the training mat for the fifth time, and I groaned.  James stood over me, looking way to smug, considering the situation.  I moaned, and grabbed my ankles, forcing tears to come to my eyes.  “My ankle,” I choked out, which wiped the smug little grin off his face.  He dropped to his knees beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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