Check in Point (1/5 done)

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Hey guys we are a fifth of the way done with our book, and we are already so proud of how it is working out. When we are half way done with it we as the writers will be creating a video talking about the process and struggles up to the point we are at. Each part of the book is 9 chapters  long. The 9 chapters consist of each of the 4 seasons each getting 2 chapters and Zac and Dylan share the same chapters which is the 3rd in each section. I know that we have not posted chapters 8 & 9 but they are written and finished. We are so thankful for every one who reads our stories and are going to be making a regular schedule for posting starting soon. Happy New Years and see you guys in 2019 which is when we are going to post the next chapter.

See you guys next year <3 

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