Sitting Ducks

19 2 1

Religion, age, race

Why do we discriminate

Aren't we all the same


Why should a small child

Be beaten and abused by

The one they trust most


I do not believe

In ones right to conceive

If your life is a hot mess


Children are human

Babies deserve proper care

Food, shelter, love, and guidance


A roof over head

Is not a right to a abuse

Nor right to enslave


What you do to kids

They will have to carry it

Their entire life, like a scar


Physical, mental, all

Abuse Is not right, AT ALL

It is time for this to stop


Helpless kids suffer

Beaten, raped, starved, and bullied

Lives are being changed


So know this, all you

Who have children you abuse

Messing with a life


Think of the abuse

The life you're fucking with

What if it was yours?

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