1. The awakening

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(Y/N's POV)

Hmm is this diary working? Ah hello me from the future or past maybe present I am unsure...Anyway! I thought I'd give you a little brief on what our life was like in a previous timeline. Please do not discuss of what has become of us, we are already trying to find home.

I wake up in my ship OrcaArc. (I know I should have chosen a TARDIS but the Orca chose me first...) I get up and put my lab coat on and walk to the console room. "Hello my dear Orca, what's new?" The light blink and a letter prints out of a typewriter. I pick it up carefully "Kate wants to see me? Very well old girl take me away to her!" The Orca rocks a little throwing me back and I crash land. I fall flat on the ground hitting my head going unconscious for two minutes. Once I regain consciousness I realize I'm in a different location "Owww..." A figure looks over at me "Sorry about that. I wasn't alerted you were near me, anyway your ship seems to be rebuilding itself so it turned a weird cube thing." I sit up and look at the cube then smile "My dear friend can't stay mad at you but please alert me next time someone heads for us."

About an hour later I was given my own room. I walk back to the console room and get a better look at the figure. He had deep hazel eyes and weirdly combed hair, he had a brown jacket and a bow tie. He was quite attractive. "So stranger, care to tell me who you are?" He directs his attention to me "Ah right! I'm the Doctor!" He says with a goofy smile. I just stand still memories of the time war running back to me. "New face then?" I look at him. He walked over to me "I answered your question so who are you?" I sigh and sat on a chair "Haven't you figured it out yet Doctor?" I didn't even know who I was, I only remember my past and who I am now but I feel lost. The Doctor shakes his head, I stretch a little "Didn't think so but truth is new face lost memories don't know who I am. I only remember you. If you mean name was it's Y/N." The Doctor looks at me and tilts his head "I don't know you." Once he said the line I click a button on the cube and teleport to my ship. I went to the Tower of London and met with Kate.

Me and Kate talked for a while but when the Doctor appeared I fell silent. (I'm sorry if you wanted to change your way. But remember he was our childhood friend.) He left his TARDIS with a ginger girl. I look at her as I noticed she was defiantly human. I couldn't bare to look at the Doctor, why did I just leave like that. It was not fair. Kate looks at me and smiles "Y/N I was wondering if you'd help me with a case?" I raise an eyebrow slightly interested in having another adventure "Sure Kate, I can't refuse a good friend. So what is it?" Kate sighs and walks with me to the mission board "We have had this unidentified species come to our planet. It doesn't match any database from here or Torchwood." I sit down "So not even Harkness has captured it?" Kate shakes her head. I think for a moment "I can't go by myself and I don't want soldiers. I hate guns. Kate nods "That's why you have the Doctor and his companion Amelia Pond." I glance at the Doctor and see him smile at me. I look at Kate and frown "Don't tell me..." Kate nods "I'm sorry but the Orca will be confiscated until this mission is done." I stand up and walk outside. I have owned the Orca for over 700 years. Well maybe she'll finish rebuilding by the time I return. I head back inside "Alright I'll do it." Kate smiles and takes my Orca putting it in a safe holding place.

I was holding my sonic wand. I used to put shows on for kids so I had made that into my sonic but that's not the point. Even the Doctor's TARDIS had to stay behind. So we split up. I was walking past a shop until I heard a bin fall over harshly. I crept towards it quietly and something tries to rush past but I was quicker. I disabled it and it would be like that for twenty minutes. I pick it up and it was a hand sized robot with a red and blue core. "A Vardian robot? I haven't seen those in years." I radio the Doctor and manage to hear his gentle voice. No. I can't think like that. "Doctor these unidentified creatures are Vardian robots, over." The Doctor was confused "What's a Vardian robot, over." I huff annoyed. To me Endvordian was a beautiful garden planet which had the most beautiful sunsets. I sigh and respond "They're scavengers, they like plants and they get resources for." I stop talking. Vordian's are known to scavenge for their superior who was evil. They tried to attack Endvordian. It only meant something else would be returning very soon. I heard the Doctor's voice "Y/N! What is it! Y/N ANSWER ME!" I couldn't respond. I remember I was attacked by the boss my left eye gorged out causing the worst thing to happen. I'm a timelord with a defect. I tremble and raise a hand to my eye patch. I drop the radio and sit by the wall holding the robot. The Doctor uses his sonic to track my location using the radio where he finds me shivering and trembling by the wall he holds me close "Y/N it's okay. Whatever it is you'll be okay, I promise." I grip onto the Doctor's jacket. I will never be okay, that one night is enough to know that the real beast is strong. I eventually calm down as the Doctor meets up with Amy and helps me go back to Kate.

Meanwhile another Vordian bot was watching everything. It zooms back to an abandoned subway area giving it's resources to it's commander. His glowing dark yellow eye opens as it slowly stands up. It only had one goal and that was to take control of the planet. It can't do much right now as this is the awakening.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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