Strong Feelings (sans x frisk)

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Frisk's POV

Ever since the day I broke the barrier, I've had a crush on Sans. We've always been pretty close friends, best friends even! I never really had feelings for him when I first met him...

Well I'll admit I did think he was cute at first...



Every once in a while, Sans would try to flirt with me in the underground, but I would just roll my eyes and shake I off as if he hadn't said a thing.

But now, I've been looking at him from a different perspective.

Whenever I'm at his house to hang out, if he gets even 7 inches away from me, I'll start blushing like mad.

His adorable smile just turns my face redder than a strawberry, and-

*beep beep*

Oh, looks like sans texted me!!

Sans: heya kid wanna come over to hang out at my place?
Frisk: Sure! Be over in 5 ;)
Sans: Sounds good, cya then!

I put down my phone and squeal, causing Toriel to come in and check on me.

"My child is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine hehe...I'm gonna head over to Sans' place, ok?" I stare at her with hopeful eyes.

"Alright, just be back by 10PM at the latest, and no funny business!"

"Mom, I'm 15 now! I should be allowed a little later than THAT."

"Fine, come back no later than 12."

"Thank you!" I jump up and hug her, and grab what I need and head to Sans'.


I knock on the door, and immediately Sans answers. He greets me with a tight hug as if he hasn't seen me in years. It makes my face flush red as I hug back.

"Heya kid how have ya been?" He asks, and I notice he has a faint blue tint across his cheekbones.

"I've been g-good, h-how about y-you?" Why am I stuttering...Frisk don't make it so obvious!!!

"Hehe I've been good too, thanks."

We walk inside and take a seat on his couch and watch Mettaton's cooking show.

All of a sudden, I see Sans staring at me.

"Uh Sans is everything alright?" I ask, a bit confused.

"Y-yeah...uhm...d-do you w-wanna go for a w-walk maybe?" He answered with blush creeping across his face.

"Yeah sure!"

I hop up and run to the front door, and Sans lazily follows, smiling wide.

Sans' POV

My goodness why is she so cute?!

Wait what am I thinking?

I never thought I had too strong of feelings for Frisk...but now it's so much stronger and I can't keep it in.

After walking and talking about random stuff for a few minutes, we walked in silence. Without thinking, I grab Frisk's hand as we walk.

I start blushing a lot, and I realize she's blushing too.

"S-Sans? W-what are you d-doing?" She asks, flustered.



All of a sudden, I turn and kiss her.

She kisses back with her soft lips pressed against my teeth.

After what seemed like a really long time, we released each other from the kiss and stood with our foreheads together and arms wrapped around each other.

"I love you, Frisk."

"I-I love you too, Sans."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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