Chapter 4

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Roger's P.O.V

It's been about three months since Safiya has come to Western. And my feelings for her have just been getting stronger. I just, I don't know how, or why, but I have just never felt this way about someone this much before. I mean sure I've been with a lot of people, but nothing serious.

It's like, I can just never be satisfied, and it's just weird. Whenever I'm around her, I feel different. I struggle to speak, or to do anything. I'm always told how flirty I am and that I would never act this afraid around a female, but, she's just different.

But, there's Bryce. She fell in love with him, not me. But I just don't get it, Bryce has a girlfriend, he makes it very clear when he accusing of me trying to get with her. I know what Bryce does to those poor girls, and god, I wish I knew why he does those things.

I just think that Safiya doesn't deserve that life, she doesn't deserve Bryce, she might hate me for telling her that, but it's the only way to stop her. I can only imagine what would happen if Bryce broke up with Morgan to be with Saf. Morgan would be angry and fly off the handle. She has a worse temper than mine, and that is saying a lot.

I don't just want to be with her, I just want to save her, before she gets hurt. But she's too in love to realize that. Or consider what I have to tell her.

Safiya's P.O.V

I have been going to Western for about 3 months now, and it is amazing. The people aren't as bad as I thought and Alex and I have been getting closer. Alex can also play piano, so she's been helping me practice for New York which is in a week.

But there is something else, a secret. Bryce and I have, kind of been dating for a month. We haven't been able to come out in public with it, because he still has a girlfriend, Morgan. Personally, I don't like Morgan. Not just because I'm kind of seeing her boyfriend behind her back, she just, acts weird.

Anyway, I was headed back to the music room to work on Alex and I's senior project. We decided to create our own musical, made up of 11 songs. It was originally my idea to create a modern day, stempunk theme, Romeo and Juliet.

Well, we call it R & J, and it is pretty amazing. I mostly made it because I always thought Bryce and I were like Romeo and Juliet, two star crossed lovers, that couldn't be together, so we had a secret love. Minus the double suicide at the end.

"Hey Alex," I say as I walk in. Alex is hard at work scribbling something down on a paper at the back table.

"Ok, so you know for the prologue, I think I have official figured something out. I smile and sit down as we continue to work on the musical, and create new lines, while referring to the actual tragedy.


"SAF!" A familiar voice called as I continued to walk down the hall. Who would be here this late after school. I turn around and see Roger running up to me.

"Hey! Um. How are you?" Roger asks. He hadn't talked to me since a month ago. I wrote Bryce a letter telling him how I felt, and I guess Roger just stopped talking to me, and I don't entirely know why.

"I'm good, what's up?" I ask. Roger's expression turns from happy to serious, then confused.

"Why didn't you tell me about R & J?" He asked.

"R & J? Why does it matter?" I questioned, even though that sounded kind of rude.

"Well, I just thought I could have helped you with background noises and things," He says.

"Um, no, I think were okay, it's just basically a lot of piano." I inform him.

"Huh," He says. We stand there in silence, just like the first day. One thing I learned about Roger was that he was the biggest playboy in school. Always trying to get girls, and flirts with everyone.

I hear a ding on my phone and open it. It's Bryce telling me to meet him at the back of the school. I smile and I can feel my face becoming more and more red. Roger seems to notice and looks to see who I'm texting. I soon realize and quickly shut my phone off, putting it in my pocket.

Roger looks at me with hatred and disgust, like I had just betrayed him.

"Bryce?! Are you serious. Safiya are you that blinded!" Roger says. "God I tried to warn you,"

"Warn me?! What are you, my mom? You don't make decisions for me. You of all people should know how much I love Bryce!" I shout back at him. He's being ridiculous.

"Dear god, Safiya. Love? No. Your so caught up in this fantasy, you can't see what's three fucking feet in front of you! He has a girlfriend! Why are you doing this?!" Roger says on the verge of tears.

"Look, I'm sorry Saf, I just don't want you to get hurt." Roger says quietly.

"I'm grown up enough to take care of myself." I say walking away from Roger, our shoulders colliding. And I go to meet up with Bryce behind the school.

"Hey hot stuff," Bryce says as he sees me approaching. He pulls me into a tight hug and kisses me passionately. I couldn't help but taste liquor, and cigarettes. But I brush it off, it's probably nothing.

"I have to ask you, will you come to my party tonight." He says pulling away but keeping his hands rested on my waist.

"Huh? What about Morgan," I ask.

"I ended things with her, I love you," He said.

"I-I love you too," I say, before he pulls me into another kiss.

God, how I wish he had actually ended things with Morgan before lying to me.

Rogers P.O.V

She really must have loved him. I followed her out the back. To see if she was actually with Bryce. She was. And it was serious. She told him that she loved him. I felt my heart shatter into pieces. Hot streaks of tears streaming down my face. I did truly love her, and I wish she could've seen that.

I walk away before doing something I would regret. She'll see how much of a loser he is. I hope she realizes that I would do anything for her. She'll get it.

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