x | groce (pronunced gross) [may, 2018]

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x | groce (pronunced gross)
[ MAY, 2018 ]


after a quick phone call with yuchan, i had nct's manager's phone number. nobody picked up, so i left a message and then sid and i headed to my place. we watch some horror movies, and then about two hours later, i get a call from a number i don't recognize.

"hello, grace speaking."

"hey grace, it's mark!" a voice answers on the other end.

"hey mark, how are you?" i reply, catching sid's attention.

"i'm good, you?" he asks.

"i'm good,"

"awesome. uh, i was wondering if you maybe wanted to grab some dinner with us tonight? we're leaving in a half hour?"

"yeah, sounds great. can i bring two tagalongs?"

"of course, did you want us to pick you up?"

"no, we can drive. just text us the address and we'll me you there in a half hour."

"okay, great. see you then!"

"alright, bye."

we both hang up, and then my phone vibrates. mark had sent me the address. i then text hyomin.

are you busy?

no more than when
you usually ask, why?

have you eaten dinner


awesome. wanna come
meet nct for dinner then?


yeah, yuchan gave me their
manager's phone number.
mark asked us if we wanted
to go with them to dinner,
and i asked if i coukd bring
two tagalongs. (you & sid)
and he said of course.

i guess i can make room
in my VERY BUSY schedule
for nct.

*le gasp* but not for me??
your own client??

nope. only nct.

i'm offended.

good. that was my plan.
when are we leaving?


okay, i'll be by soon to pick
you turtles up. start getting
ready now please.


"can i borrow some of your clothes?" sid asks when i plug my phone it.

"why? what you're wearing now is good," i tell her, and her expression quickly turns to an offended one.

"i'm going to be meeting my favorite band of all time, i am not wearing this to meet them." she replies gesturing to the giant black "fuck you" t-shirt and black cargo pants she has on. "you should change too,"

"hey! that's mean, i like what i'm wearing." i pout. i'm dressed in a navy blue tracksuit. "besides, they're probably going to be dressed in hoodies and jeans." i reply. "it's cold out and they're not promoting at the moment, right?"

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