My First Impression.

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Since today RM is going to be looking for me with his friends and the whole rest of high school is going to be staring at me I thought I might actually try to make a good outfit.

I woke up extra early the next day of school. It took ages but finally I found the perfect one.

An over sized sweater to cover up my top half as it followed the dress code

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An over sized sweater to cover up my top half as it followed the dress code. Then I picked this skirt as it followed the "shorts and skirts need to be mid thigh length" rule.

I quickly ran outside and locked the door behind me. I walked myself to school eager to see RM.

I opened the hallway door and flipped my hair. I pictured it in slow motion in my dreams. But in reality it was much better. I tried to soak in the moment. But people were shocked and I heard some conversations.
"She changed so much"
"I heard RM is waiting at her locker"
"Is that the girl who's the attention seeker at the Winter Ball?"

I wished I hadn't done the change of outfit and the hair flick. Oh why...
I was so embarrassed now.

But I saw RM, really at my locker. As soon as I saw those eyes of him... I really didn't feel embarrassed at all!

"Hey"His voice mad me go crazyyyyI started blushing and going crazy too

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His voice mad me go crazyyyy
I started blushing and going crazy too.
I just replied with a "Hey" too.

He chuckled. I didn't know what was so funny about that.
"Your so cute"
I still wasn't sure if he was messing around with me. So I told him to meet me outside the building 5 minutes after the bell rings for break.

The bell rings. I see him standing outside.

"RM," I said nervously
"I don't know if your playing with me I really wish you weren't And was yesterday night true? You like me? I just don't know I'm so confused!" I said in a quick paragraph.

"I don't know if your playing with me I really wish you weren't And was yesterday night true? You like me? I just don't know I'm so confused!"

wow. She really thinks I'm lying. I can't explain my feelings enough to her. Then I remember. I remember something in my pocket, that will win her heart for sure. I grab it.

The next chapter might be the last one but I really don't knowwww.
I posted two chapters today because I knew I would post one tomorrow since I'm going to the beach!

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