HETALIA #1 (Gilbert knows things)

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Warnings : strong cursing, not your usual stereotypes, no fluffy bunny here, Hetalia fandom is aliveeeee!, kinda short, I didn't focus much when I did this.

"Toni! Wake up!"

Antonio groaned as he rolled off from his bed. "Shut the hell up Gil."

"Toni, I found a this one website called... fanfiction?" Gilbert says as he jump onto Antonio's bed and sat cross-legged beside him, bringing along his laptop, which plastered with little chicks stickers.

"Hmm?" the Spanish rubbed his eyes and yawned lightly as he leaned over the German's shoulder.

"...why is there a bunch of things called... UsUk?" asked the brunette, confused.

Gilbert shrugged. "That's what I'm trying to find out. All of the results shows pics of... Arthur and Alfred?"

"I thought they're brothers... DIO MIO! GIL, CLOSE THAT I JUST SAW A FUCKING HORRIBLE THING." Screeched Antonio as he closed his eyes.

Gilbert snickered. "Nightmares. I'll show this to Francis."

"God, no." Moaned Antonio, he is pretty much scarred for life, he didn't need his other best friend to meet the same fate.

"I'm just curious, how did people knew about us? There's even merchandise about... us. The Nations I mean." Mused Gilbert as he clicked on the pics, showing numerous keychains, necklace, plushie and body pillows...? What are these people doing?

"Wait, didn't you call me for that fanfiction thing?" Asked Antonio as he calmed down from the horrible experience of seeing Alfred and Arthur...

Gilbert facepalmed, "I forgot. Here's the thing, that fanfiction is supposed to be a story about something the author loves, or in this case... about us. You see... they seemed to believe that we're based on our country stereotypes. Like, you're supposed to be super sexy, which is wrong, because I am the sexy ones. You're... like on drugs all the time, and a pedophile apparently."

"Dio mio... What did I do to these people?" Said Antonio softly as tears of disbelief threatening to spill from his eyes.

"That's not the worst, they thought Feliciano is a whiny and crying little kid. We all know he kicked Adnan's ass singlehandedly, and have a few mafioso families behind his back... how is he whiny?" Gilbert scrolled through the stories on the website as his face scrunched up, gears in his usually empty brain turning around.

Antonio sighed as he look at the screen.

"Why nearly all of this about Arthur and Alfred?" asked Antonio, pointing to the screen.

"I guess it's because the author's origins. It's pretty obvious they're Americans. Most of them, maybe." Gilbert clicked on one, titled something that looks good, before he flinched and clicked the back button.

"What happens?" asked the other, curious.

"Uh. Apparently I got paired with my brother..." the albino looked green in the face.

"That's really not awesome." Said Antonio as he took the laptop and scrolled down, to find more information.

"Stop stealing my lines."

"Yeah... hey. This one is about your brother and.. Arthur?" Antonio gulped. That's not pretty. He knew Gilbert all to well. He-

"WHAT?!" Gilbert snatched the laptop and furiously read the summary.

"What kind of crap is this?! I'll not let that Brit breath in the same room with my brother!"

"Calm down, it's not real." Antonio sweatdrops.

"Ohhh I'll track this little girl and paints her room hot pink and sticks hundreds of Justin Bieber's posters, and blasted Miley Cyrus' songs in her room and put a statue of Do-" Gilbert nagged on as he read the author's biodata, which proves to be slightly... weird.

Antonio just let his friends nagged on as he shut down the laptop. "We will talk about this later. I'm sure Francis would love to know."

"-and maybe put Nicholas Cage face in her bathroom and-"

Antonio shrugged and slipped into the blanket. It's still cold today. The last thing he heard before he sleeps is Gilbert's voice saying that he will bought blackboards to scratch on.

A/N - This kinda... short and weird. It's more like a rant from me... but you know, you can still make request.

Another A/N - Damn. How old is this fic? Been sitting in the draft for too long.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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