When "he" enters my home...

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Laurana's P.O.V:

I'm sitting on my bed in silence. Yet another day alone in my home, with my fantasy torturing me with their presences. Yup you heard that correctly alright, my fantasy is wandering around the house. And they have been around ever since my "whole" family were killed. And the meanest of all is a dark version of Loki, though he is nothing like I know the Loki from movies and books. I hear footsteps coming my way and look up, only to see Dark Loki with a devious smirk on his ugly face. "For the last time, I'm only leaving the damn house to buy food and other things we'll need to stay alive." I groan, placing my hand across my face. "And you know you can't leave this building for obvious reasons." "I know my darling, but I don't want you to alert anyone about you living alone." He states, still with the same stupid smirk on his face. "You know damn well that only really close friends or friends of the past know about you and the other morons. Be glad I haven't told the public about you and the others, otherwise I would've been more popular by now." I spat annoyed. "And they would've realized you and your two other "friends"  were the ones who murdered the people who died and came on the news." I walk away from my bed and use my magic to change into a more comfortable clothing. Yes I have magic, but the most powerful affects only work in my home. I walk down the two stairs and into the living room and pick up my jacket and hand bag, along with two bigger bags. I take out my dads car keys and walk outside, locking the doors with both my magic and with the house keys. I learned car driving from my little brothers babysitter Barbara. I told her, once I got the hang of it, to stay away from my home, for her own safety, which she obeyed willingly. She is one of the few people who knows whats going on in my home. I open the car and place the big bags in the back of the car. When I sit in the front of the car I start it and drive away. I think of how my life went into hell when I heard my folk were murdered. I still remember it like it was yesterday.


I'm sitting in my classroom doing my schoolwork, when all of the sudden I hear distant screams of pain and agony. I gasp and look up looking around, only to see all my classmates and teacher looking at me with a worried look. "I heard mom and dad screaming in pain and agony." I say confused and sad. They all give me a weird look. "Hey I don't know what it was okay. So don't give me that look, I don't know if I was hearing it correctly okay!" I say offended. When it was break I went downstairs and began searching for my sister. "Hello sister, have you heard those screams too just a bit ago?" I ask once I found her with my friends. "No, what are you talking about sister?" She asks worried. I explained her of what I've heard and felt. She told me not to worry too much about it. I do hope my feelings are going to prove me wrong. After school me and my sister had an argument and parted ways at the end of our trip. Once I was almost home I feel something sting in my heart. I hear the screaming again, but this time from my little brother and sister. Once I'm home I see policemen surrounding my home. "Um hello, how can I help you sirs?" I ask, freaking out from the inside. "Are you Laurana Beauty Koonings?" One of the policemen asks abruptly. I nod carefully. "Then we are afraid to tell you that your mother, father and siblings have been killed. The murderers have disappeared without a trace, but we'll keep on searching for them." He says looking down. "WHAT!!!" I scream, tears falling down. I collapse onto the ground and cry hard. Without another word I run into my home, towards my room and let myself fall down onto the bed, crying the air out of my lungs. After hours of crying I hear my phone ringing. I pick it up and hear a good friend picking up. Everyone at my school heard about them and wish me luck. I smile at myself, feeling glad my friends support me so much. After he cut of the call I just wanted to scream in terror. There in front of me, stands a person that hunted me in my nightmares: Loki. "How... what...what is happening to me!!" I scream into my pillow. When I look back I demand: "How did this happen, how can you be real?!" He just chuckles and says menacing: "We are real, because they are gone." "We? Who is we?" I ask confused and terrified. Out of the shadows come beings I so hardly fear: King Sombra and Abomination. My eyes go wide in fear and my breathing becomes unbearably quick. "W-what do you want from me?" I whimper scared. Dark Loki chuckles again and says: "To make you suffer."

The mysterious fear for Fantasy (Loki x Laurana)Where stories live. Discover now