Family values.

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{I absolutely love voiceovering Veronica Lodge. She has really just become my character and I feel at home acting out as her. She is my favourite to voiceact out of all the Riverdale characters and I thought I'd link my V.L compilation here because.... this chapter is pretty much Veronica centered🤷🏼‍♀️ What do you think? I am currently making a new compilation of Veronica scenes I voiced after that video. Would you be interested if me and my bestie would voiceover these chapters as Betty and Veronica? We thought it would be super fun and challenging and we are kind of planning on it.😋 Also, ignore my ugly finnish accent that ruins my english in that video haha. Now for the chapter...}

"So, I'll need both of your names signed here and I think that's it." a middle aged woman handed a piece of paper to Veronica, who shared a quick look with her wife. It felt so official. After putting their names on that paper their company would be partly attached to the massive newspaper and entertainment organization in New York. And soon after a hustle around their very own tv show would begin. And pretty soon their cozy and local home paper would be forgotten. Their focus would turn to be in NYC. Their lives would revolve around tv and maybe even fame. Their normal everyday lives would not exist anymore. No. Something inside of her screams no and all the flashbacks hit her like a lightning ~ "Daddy stop! You are hurting him! Why are you doing this?! Stop it!" "Mija, you are not supposed to be in this room. Go back with your brother." "No I can't let you hurt them daddy please! Please miss Trudy tell daddy to stop! " "Honey, Trudy is my business partner, she follows me. Hey... Veronica Cecilia Lodge. You need to understand one thing. Okay? These people.. they are the bad guys. Yes? And what daddy does and what Trudy does is something good. We are getting rid of the bad. Understood? Now, you have nothing to worry about mija. Go back to Mateo. I promised he could take you to buy some ice-cream with him." "No daddy you are killing him I can't let you!! No!!" "Guards, take my daughter back to her brother. Now." "NO! NO! LET ME GO NO DADDY DON'T HURT HIM! DADDY!!" ~

No. She could not do this. She can not sign the paper. "I- I'm sorry I got.. can you excuse me for a second?" she stuttered as she ran out of the roon like a coward. If wanting to throw up but not actually wanting to throw up would be a legit feeling, that's exactly how she felt like when she pushed the door open and ran into the hallway. "Gosh Veronica you are an adult. Act like one. Act like one! You've never been like this? What is wrong with you?! Motherhood should not have made you such a loser. Gosh this is just brilliant." she thought and continued her aggressive walk, planning to get out of the building.

"Veronica!!! V stop! Just stop! What is wrong? Baby please?!?" Betty ran behind her, trying to keep up with the surprisingly fast pace. Never in a million years had she thought that something like this would happen on the day that her wife would finally get what she had been dreaming about. What changed her mind? "Stop!" Betty grabbed her hand and finally got her to turn around and face her. "What is this? Talk! I swear to god Veronica, I don't lose my patience with you often at all but you have been more than weird lately and what you just did is something I've never seen you do. Explain. Now." She noticed that her wife was about to storm out again and she was not going to let that happen. She held her arm so tight that it most probably hurt her.  "I am not asking." Betty said in a voice that was so much in charge that it even scared herself.

"You need to know?! I'll tell you. I can't do this! My father dragged me into that same exact room when I was only 7 years old! He swore me to secrecy and we signed my name under. He made me a part of our family business before I even knew what that meant! And I saw things.. that will never leave the back of my mind. I had to watch people getting beaten up, drugged or better yet, killed.. whilst some illegal deals were happening, Betty. And I can not take the risk of my own daughter having to whitness those kind of things. Yes, this is different I know, it's only a fucking (excuse my language) magazine and a tv show.. but that woman in there was the same person who was there all those years ago and I know where I'm coming from when I say that she is not our friend. I really wanted to make this happen but then I saw her and all the flashbacks came back to me and I just couldn't and I-"

"But you've said before that... that you weren't part of whatever your family was doing?" The blonde woman stated, extremely confused by the whole situation. "Well no, I wasn't. But I was there! And I saw everything! And he tried to make it all okay buy giving me an goddamned ice-cream! And I have a choice to give my daughter a life that is actually safe and carefree, something I could only dream of. So excuse me but no, this is not happening! I'm not making her watch as this hideous thing goes down that same road! " Betty couldn't even imagine what the seven year old Veronica had to whitness. "I'm so sorry Ronnie.. I had no idea.." she whispered while pulling her wife in for a hug. "Ironic enough we were planning on talking about family values and experiences as a part of that show..." the raven haired girl whimpered and she was trembling under her wife's touch because all of the emotions.

"Yeah.. We will figure something out Vee... This is not our only option. And if necessary.. we can make things work by only writing at the Register. Whatever we need to do baby.. I will not make you go through this again. I will not make Chara go through this. We don't need to sign it. We don't have to. Okay?" Veronica slightly nodded and a faint smile appeared on her face. "I can go tell her that this is not something we wanna do. We realized that we are better than this." Betty smirked a little bit and for a first time in a long time she heard Veronica chuckle. "You are unbelievable, and I love you." Of course the thought of what would be coming next and how they could make the ends meet was terrifying, but it was the risk they had to take. "Wait me in the car, I'll be back soon." "Bee I don't think you should go there alone.." Veronica hurried and held her hand as a hint of not letting her go.

"Hey, I'll be fine. I'll just say what I have to say and get out." she forced a smile on her face and started to walk back into the room they had left. Her heart started to race faster. If the lady in the room had been Hiram's business partner and actually abusive to some of their clients, what could she do now? She stepped into the room and faced Trudy once again. "I'm sorry, but we decided not to sign in your offer." She stated, voice clear as ever. "What did you just say? Young woman, this could be the deal of your life!" "Yeah well, I value family and I stand by my wife. And based on what she had to whitness at such a young age, we don't wanna make our daughter go through that." The older woman stared at her disturbingly long. "You have a daughter?" "Yes miss, I do. And as much as we would love this concept and this deal that you are offering, we love our daughter more than this." She announced and without hesitation she walked out of the toxic office that apparently held so many horrible secrets inside. No matter what would come next, she hadn't felt this free in a long time.

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